Chapter 2

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PAGE 1(The group going down in the elevator) Klara: If there's going to be fighting you ought to get your staff out Nico.Nico: I don't have the Staff of One anymore.Klara: What? Why not? The staff was awesome.Nico: The staff was bad news, okay? (angry) Just forget about it!Gert: Its okay Klara, Nico has just been acting prickly about the subject ever since Karolina left.

PAGE 2Nico: I can now fight without the staff, I've picked up a few spells from my time at Strange Academy. Gert: What class did you even teach there?Nico: I taught a sewing class there once a week.Gert: Oh, of course.Klara: I don't care, the staff was still awesome.(Molly doing stretches in the background)

PAGE 3Molly: (in mock worry) Oh no guys, we forgot to bring our bulletproof costumes, whatever shall we do? Victor: I guess I'll just have to use...(elevator opens, some guards nearby have their backs turned, one of them turns around)Guard: Hey, you...Victor: ...My Magnetic Personality! (Victor starts using his magnetic powers)

PAGE 4(Victor magnetizes the guns away from the guards, merges the guns into a big bunny sculpture) Victor: Make love not war!(Klara laughs)Molly: Yay, the old confident Victor is back!

PAGE 5(Sean Madigan in a hover chair comes up) Sean Madigan: What's all this commotion? What's going on here?Guard: Intruders, sir. They disarmed us. Sean Madigan: Ah yes, the Pride's kids. And the son of Ultron too...and...uh...some demon thing. (spots Klara) Hey, Josh, Paul, isn't that your adopted daughter? I swear she looks just like the photos you showed me.(Josh and Paul come out from a room) Josh: Huh? What's that boss?

PAGE 6Paul: Klara, what are you doing here?Klara: Dads! (runs towards them) Gert: Klara, wait up!(Sean fires a blast between Gert and Klara) Sean: Wait up you brats, this isn't some high school field trip! I want all you Pride's kids off my property right now!

PAGE 7(Nico fires spell blast at Sean Madigan, who reflects it back with a force field, spell hits the ground near Nico, who stumbles and loses glasses) Molly: Hey ya butt head, just who do you think you are?Sean: Sean Madigan, the illegitimate son of MODOK! Gert: Yeah? Well you look nothing like MODOK.

PAGE 8Nico: Where's my glasses? I'm nearsighted without them. Victor: Here.Nico: Thanks (puts them back on) Victor: Why did you go back to wearing glasses anyway?Nico: Because years back it was Karolina who suggested I wear contact lenses. After she left I got mad and frustrated at her. Just putting in the contact lenses every morning reminded me of her. Look, we got a battle going on, so let's drop it.Victor: Nah, it looks like he opted to do a cheesy villain speech.

PAGE 9Sean: ...And so I finally got over my depression, picked myself up, ceased my Overwatch gaming addiction,. I stopped trying ti regain leadership of AIM, and settled for controlling the Pride, waiting in the shadows, and biding my time. Molly: What made you think we cared about your stinking backstory!?Gib: What is your name? I have forgotten.Sean: Ooh, you impudent...Guards! Why are you just standing around? You just let them talk to me like that?Guard 1: That LatinX lad took away our guns. What are we supposed to do? Throw rocks at them?Guard 2: I think this is way above our pay grade.Guard 3: I have scruples about killing children, even if they're super powered teenagers. Sean: Well then, it appears its time to bring out the big guns...

PAGE 10Sean: Knox! Get your diminutive buttocks over here! There's interloping intruders over here to exterminate!Knox: (in his Inventor armor) Ravage them my wonderous cyborg critters! (big cyborg animals come along) Gert: What is the deal with that outfit!?Molly: And people thought my animal hats looked childish...

PAGE 11(Klara and Josh and Paul in a room with computers and inactive robots) Paul: You were never meant to see this side of us.Klara: Yeah, and you were going to dope me up on some amnesia dust.Paul: That was just to protect you.Josh: And I don't like you hanging out with that gang of degenerates. That fat girl who is clearly unhealthy. That goth girl who is undoubtedly playing with dark magic. That creepy cyborg boy who can somehow live as just a head. That hippy girl who probably does a dozen drugs. And that rude boy with the man bun.Paul: Eww, man buns, the worst hair style since mohawks.

PAGE 12Josh: Hey, what's those rumbling noises?(wall breaks down revealing the kids fighting Knox and his animals) Paul: EEEK!

PAGE 13: (Victor getting crushed by one of the animals)Klara: Hey! Get off his you dumb beast!(Klara grows vines to get the animal off Victor)

PAGE 14Sean: So your daughter has powers huh? Interesting...Paul: Don't you dare even think of using our daughter as a minion!Josh: that's totally a breach of contract!Klara: Dads...

PAGE 15Sean: My patience is wearing thin, Josh.   Go activate the killbots, they will turn the tide of this battle!(the kids still fighting the big animals in the background) Sean: Or, I will terminate you well as your lives!Paul: Yes boss, right away!Josh: All my hours of programming the kill bots are about to pay off!Klara: No, stop! This is wrong!

PAGE 16Josh: Klara, I'm going to count to five, and by then you'd better be out of the way and back in our warm loving embrace.Klara: No!Josh: One...two...Paul: Please Klara, do as he says.Josh: Three...four...(Kalra stands with her arms crossed, determined not to move) (Josh with mad look on his face)

PAGE 17Josh: Oh, who am I kidding, of course I won't do anything to hurt you.Klara: Come on dads, it'll be fine. Look, my so called degenerate friends are whooping your bad boss Mr. Madigan as we speak. You won't have to fear him anymore.(the kids fighting Sean Madigan and the animals)

PAGE 18(Molly throws a large crate at Sean, Sean dodges it) Sean: Ha, missed me.Molly: No, I hit what I wanted to.(Sean looks back, the crate is just sitting down on the ground looks back at Molly) Molly: Alright fine, I missed.

PAGE 19Voice offscreen: I on the other hand, never miss!Sean: What? (someone offscreen throws a staff into Sean's hover chair, causing Sean to crash)

PAGE 20Nico: Who did that? Gert: Oh no...Someone in a full Doc Justice costume: Ho, citizens! It looked like you needed my help!

PAGE 21Molly: Doc Justice!? Victor: No, it can't be!Gib: Impossible, I ate his soul.Klara (freaked out): You ate someone's soul!?Josh: Aha, see! Degenerates, every last one of them!

PAGE 22Victor: It must be an imposter, and I don't intend to let him get away.(Victor magnetizes some pieces of metal, sends them flying to the imposter, pinning him to a wall but without hurting him too bad)

PAGE 23Victor: (walking up to the pinned down imposter) Now lets see who's behind that Doc Justice helmet. Molly: (playing with Old Lace's mouth) Ruh roh, Fred!(Victor removes the helmet, the others look and are shocked)

PAGE 24(splash page of Alex Wilder in the Doc Justice costume) Alex: Hello again, old friends.

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