Chapter 5

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PAGE 1(Captain Marvel at a great big hole in the wall of the hostel, Nico, Gert, Victor, Molly, Klara, Old Lace, Gib and Doombot all looking at her)Captain Marvel: So Nico, you've become a homophobic murderess now? I'm so disgusted that I was ever gal pals with you. Nico: Whatever. A-Force only lasted like two weeks, and we only got together because the weird space girl told us to. Molly: Hey, Nico isn't homophobic! She's dating Karolina.Marvel: And just where is Karolina?Molly: Karolina left to go to dang it, we don't have any way to prove that do we?

PAGE 2Klara: Please stop! They didn't murder anyone, and they didn't kidnap me either. My dads worked for an evil skull man named Sean Madigan, and they died when his base blew up. Marvel: Oh you poor dear, they must have brainwashed you to say those terrible lies. Don't worry, I'll get you hooked up with top quality deprogrammers. (Cap Marvel pinches Klara's cheek, Klara is annoyed, doesn't like it) Molly: Stop pinching my friend's cheek!(Molly slaps Cap Marvel's hand away)

PAGE 3(Alex in full Doc Justice costume climbs up to the edge of the hole) Alex: Ho, nefarious evil doers, it is a good thing I've alerted the superhero community and law enforcement to your wicked deeds!The others: Alex!Marvel: Yes, it is good to have an old pro like Doc Justice on this case...By the way, did you lose weight?

PAGE 4Alex: Clearly the deep trauma that Nico has suffered from Murderworld has resurfaced. Its caused her to fly into a rampage of murder, kidnapping and demon worship. Her friends are just going along with it in some noble but misguided sense of loyalty. (closeup of Alex in the Doc Justice helmet) Clearly I must restrain Nico and have intimate one on one psychological sessions with her behind closed doors!(Nico silently gives Alex an angry look)

PAGE 5Marvel: Yes, well said Doc Justice. The more I look around this place the more classic signs of villainy I spot. Like that big ugly demon abomination (points at Gib) Or that Doombot. I had no idea you truants already had connections with Latveria. Doombot: I was on an Avengers team, you unbelievably ignorant fool!

PAGE 6Marvel: The time for words is over! I'm going to detain you all, by force is necessary!Gib: You want a show of force? Then I shall give you a show of force!(Gib charges up a big fire attack)

PAGE 7(Gib shoots a great big pillar of fire at Cap Marvel, sending her flying into Earth's orbit)

PAGE 8Molly: Yay! That was incredible Gib! Gert: I didn't know you could do that.Gib: (acting tired) It will not...keep her away...for long...Alex: And you probably cannot do that move again. You're feeling weak from the lack of human souls, aren't you Gib? Gib: You are not wrong.

PAGE 9Gert: So this is your back up plan Alex? You lock us up o phony charges and you won't let us out until we join your new J-Team? Nico: And you're probably still planning on killing Gib and taking his power? Alex: Correct on both counts. And I would advise you against running away. I've put out a BOLO on both your vehicles.Nico: Well then its sure a good thing I learned a teleportation spell.

PAGE 10Alex: Are you sure you want to mess with that fickle stuff Nico? Magic can have unintended consequences, and outside the staff you're just a novice. Nico: Can it Alex! Everyone hold hands and form a circle. We all need physical contact in order for this spell to get us all out of here.Gert: Wait, I have to go get something! (rushes out) Nico: Gert, what are you doing!?

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