Chapter 4

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PAGE 1Gert: Molly's Grandma?Molly: I thought you were in Avengers jail.Dr. Hays: I was only in there for a week. They didn't have anything to hold us on.(Victor and Doombot fighting the Leapfrog in the background)


Nico: So what are you planning to do? You got new psychic cats to pester us with?

Dr. Hays: No, just one old cat. Ruffus there has infiltrated your group for a year. He's gotten to know your minds...

PAGE 3Dr. Hays: So he can do this!(Ruffus unleashes a psychic attack that knocks out Nico, Victor, Molly, Gert and Old Lace, but Klara is left standing)

PAGE 4Dr. Hays: Ah, so you're the Edwardian Era ragamuffin. Sarah, was it? Ruffus doesn't know you. (Leapfrog tackles Doombot down to the floor) Alex: Now then, down to business...(pulls out knife)

PAGE 5Klara: What are you planning to do with that knife? Alex: This doesn't concern you Klara, you're just an outsider. A quirky little random encounter in the RPG of life. I am about to settle the score bewteen the Gibborim and the six Pride families once and for all!Klara: (annoyed, hands on her hips) Sheesh, I only asked what the knife is for. I don't need to hear your life story with a side order of arrogance. (Alex walking towards Gib) Klara: Hey! You stab any of my friends I'll choke you with vines, you hear me?

PAGE 6Alex: (turns around to face Klara) Okay settle down, girl. I just want to do a little ritual and stab Gib so I can take his power. I swear I won't do anything to hurt the others. Klara: Stealing power for yourself huh? Some hero you are. You're no better that the Upward Path from my time. Alex: Look at that thing Klara, (points at Gib) it eats souls! Give it time to grow and it will bring destruction to all humanity. I'm doing this for the good of the world! Surely you don't trust Gib, do you Klara?(Klara looks at Alex) (Klara thinks it over for a moment) Klara: No, I don't trust Gib. In fact, he creeps me out. Alex: Good, now if you'll excuse me...(walks towards Gib) Klara: But...(grabs Alex by the shirt making him turn around) I know the others trust Gib. And I trust them...

PAGE 8Klara: ...A lot more than I trust you!(Klara grows a cactus that hits Alex right in the face)

PAGE 9(Dr. Hays makes a calm steely gaze at Klara, Ruffus hisses) (Alex on the floor in pain) (Molly comes up and throws a laundry basket on top of Ruffus) Molly: Bad Ruffus! Naughty cat!(Ruffus howls sadly under the laundry basket)Klara: What's with the basket?Molly: Its how we punished Ruffus whenever he scratched up the furniture or peed on things. He can't get out of it.

PAGE 10(Molly looks at Nico, Victor, Gert and Old Lace who are still knocked out) Molly: So you gave me a lighter dose of that psychic whammy, huh Grandma?Dr. Hays: But of course, Molly. I only joined young Mr. Wilder on this trip so I could speak with you. I have the most wonderful news! I have finished growing a clone of your father. And I've met with a fellow who calls himself Jackal and he says he can restore their memories. Soon they will be your parents mentally as well as physically!

PAGE 11Molly: Sure Grandma, that sounds swell...But if you want me to come back to your family, then I'm going to have to turn you down. My parents did horrible things, hurting people and sacrificing children to the Gibborim. It took me a long time to come to grips with that. And no offense, but I think your genetic experiments are wrong.

PAGE 12Molly: I've tried going to public school to meet new friends, but aside from this one immortal girl I just couldn't connect with anyone because of my powers. Then I tried living on the mutant colony on Krakoa for a week, but they were just a bunch of mutants, I didn't have any shared experiences with them. Finally I realized to where I belong...

PAGE 13Molly: ...I belong with these guys, Nico, Victor, Gert and Chase and Karolina when they come back. What's more, Klara just lost her adopted parents. (Molly puts her hand on Klara's shoulder) she needs as many familiar faces she can get to love and support her.

PAGE 14Molly: Yes, I used to long for my Mom and Dad to be back with me. But I've discarded that dream along with the silly animal hats. I'm growing up, Grandma. Dr. Hays: Hmm. Very well Molly. I will accept your decision. You're becoming your own woman.

PAGE 15Dr. Hays: Come, Ruffus (picks up Ruffus and walks away) (Alex pulling cactus needles out of his face) Molly: You might want to skedaddle Alex, the others won't be so nice when they wake up. Alex: When you're right you're right. I'll take the Leapfrog and go.

PAGE 16(The next morning, Nico in bed, her alarm clock goes off) Nico: oooh, time to go to work already (glumly) (Nico got dressed offscreen, walks down hallway) (Nico walks past Doombot making repairs on himself) (Sees Gib in the main room)

PAGE 17Nico: Hey Gib, are you feeling any better now? Did that sleepy time dust have any lingering side effects? Gib: I have a pounding headache which I've never experienced before. I may need to eat some souls. Nico: Okay, right, well I'll try to get Old Lace to hunt for some animals for you...(walking away from Gib) Jesus, its going to be harder to keep Gib from starving without Ruffus.

PAGE 18(Nico enters kitchen area, sees Klara cooking scrambled eggs in a pan) Nico: Klara, you're up already? How much sleep did you get?Klara: I thought doing something would help make me feel better. Paul and I sometimes cooked meals together.Nico: Doesn't that just make you think of them more?Klara: Come on, eat up Nico. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and you'll need our energy for going to work.

PAGE 19(Nico sits down to eat while Klara sets up the table for the others)(Nico, finished eating gets up and gives Klara a side hug) Nico: I want you to relax for the next couple of days, we'll figure this out. Maybe I can adopt you like I did with Molly. (Nico leaves for work)

PAGE 20 (Nico drives to her job but then sees police at her work place asking questions. Nico drives off cautiously wondering what's happening, then she sees someone putting up fresh Wanted posters and she has a shocked reaction)

PAGE 21(Back at the hostel, Klara, Molly, Gert and Victor are playing a racing videogame together) Klara: Come on...come on...Oh! I almost had it.Victor: How about we try the lava race track next.Klara: Alright, just don't go easy on me.Victor: I won't.(Nico comes in)

PAGE 22Nico: Turn off that junk and put on the local news channel!Gert: Heh, its both junk to me.(they turn on the local news) Anchorman: ...Police are investigating the tragic double homicide of Josh and Paul McRoberts and the abduction of their daughter Klara Prast. Residents of Los Angelos are advised to be on the lookout for these suspects: Victor Mancha, Nico Minoru, Gertrude Yorks and Molly Hays. These individuals are considered highly dangerous...

PAGE 23Klara: This is a terrible mistake! We must go to the authorities and explain to them what happened.Victor: We could try, but we don't exactly have the best luck with the authorities.Nico: I don't know, I've gotten some clout among the superhero community, maybe that will help our case.(rumbling noises)Molly: Oh, that can't be good.Doombot: Our base is under attack!

PAGE 24(Captain Marvel bursts in, making a great big hole in the hostel's wall) Captain Marvel: I am so very disappointed in you, Nico!

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