Chapter 12

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PAGE 1(Victor, Gert, Molly and Klara fighting future Old Lace)(Molly keeping her hands over Future Old Lace's mouth while riding her) Molly: Yee haw!Victor: Molly, stop riding that jumbo sized Old Lace!Molly: (jumps off) Aw, I was just starting to have fun Victor. You'd better make this good.

PAGE 2Victor: Oh I will!(Victor magnetizes a bunch of pipes to trap Future Old Lace with)

PAGE 3Victor: Ha! I'm ten times the plumber Mario is!Molly: So...does that mean you think Chase is a princess?Klara: Oh my! I had no idea Victor felt that way about Chase. I feel so ashamed now.Victor: No, I'm not gay on Chase! I like girls!...I mean, girls closer to my age...agh!Future Fert: (offscreen) You savage hooligans can't even enter a college without abusing animals and destroying property simultaneously.

PAGE 4Future Gert (onscreen): I say your little temporal incursion has come to an end!Gert: At last! I'm going to kick my ass and get back Chase!(Gert, Old Lace, Victor, Molly and Klara all run towards Future Gert)(Future Gert pushes a button on her watch) (the kids all get frozen)

PAGE 5Future Gert: You've all been stopped cold by the simplest of tricks. I just stopped your perception of time. The world marches on its normal rate but you're unaware of it. Now, I have to get back with the drinks. I'll figure out how to safely get rid of you lot later.Future Old Lace: rrrrr!Gert: Oh of course I'll get you out of there baby, just hang on.

PAGE 6(later, future Gert comes back to Chase) Future Gert: Hey lover boy, there was a line longer than Jormungand at the store, but I finally got us drinks. Did you work up a nice sexy sweat. (Chase pauses gives Future Gert a look) Chase: Babe, you can drop the act.Future Gert: I beg your pardon?

PAGE 7Chase: I'm not quite as stupid as people think. I built the surveillance system this facility uses and I've been in constant communication with it. I know that my friends come over to get me back. And I know you just put them on pause.Future Gert: Chase, I'm only thinking of what's best for you. What's best for everyone! The history of Los Angelos has made benevolent leaps and bounds since I brought you to this time.

PAGE 8Chase: Don't get me wrong. I've had a blast being here. I got to explode my technopathy more than ever before. I liked all the little adventures and projects we did together. And I certainly enjoyed our intimate moments. I even liked feeding convicts to Gib. But at the same time I've spotted some stinking rot in this timeline. Something is seriously wrong with Nico here. I ain't fooled by all the masks she wears.Future Gert: No kidding! She's got her head so deep in the arcane anus she doesn't know good from bad!

PAGE 9Chase: And you, Gert. It never sat well with me what you did to Victor over here. He wasn't anywhere near becoming Victorious yet you took him apart all the same. Future Gert: I was just being proactive and trying to stop threats before they happened.Chase: And that's just the thing Gert. A small but crucial part of you has gotten changed somehow. I should go back and save your soul, just like you saved mine.

PAGE 10Future Gert: Chase, don't go, its a bad idea and you're being misled by foolish sentiment.Chase: Babe, let's be adults about this. Let's just break up without any ugly drama or fighting.(Future Gert thinks it over)Future Gert: Oh very well you big lug. Come and get your goodbye kiss. (they kiss)

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