Chapter 8

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PAGE 1(the kids standing outside in a desert near the van)Gert: Well how about that. We crossed the border near Mexicali just three hours ago, and now we already run into cartel trouble. (Cartel thugs and trucks some distance away glaring at them)

PAGE 2Victor: Let me try to speak with them, maybe we won't have to fight.Nico: (concerned) But no one let their guard down. Be ready to fight in an instant, because these goons won't even give us an instant.(Old Lace growls) Victor begins to talk with them in Spanish)

PAGE 3Victor: So these guys say that we've trespassed on their turf.Nico: Uh huh, and what do they want?(Victor speaks with the thugs in Spanish) Victor: They say we'd better high tail it back to "Gringo-land" or else...(thug says something in Spanish while pointing at the girls and making a sinister leer) Victor: Ugh, I'm not translating that.

PAGE 4Nico: Okay everybody, prepare to plant their faces in the dirt! (powers up a spell) (the cartel thugs run to their trucks and drive away) Klara: We scared them off already? Gert: I'm not so sure it was us they were running away from...

PAGE 5(a cannonball hits the ground near them) Gert: What on earth!?(the kids look behind them and see Captain Arrghface's ship on wheels travelling the desert) Captain Arrghface: Kill all the boys and steal all their toys!

PAGE 6Victor: Ooooooh, we've come across Captain Arrghface, a supervillain that rides around the AMerican Southwest. The superheroes never bothered to catch him because he usually just attacks drug cartels. (another cannonball hits the ground near the kids) Arrghface: Bring on the slaughter, kill all their daughters! Gert: It appears he has no intention of letting us leave alive.Nico: We have no time for a mission debriefing. We rush him head on!

PAGE 7(Gert rides Old Lace) (Gert, Victor and Molly run towards Arrghface's ship, Nico standing by Klara) Nico: Klara, see if you can disable those cannons with your vines.Klara: Nothing would give me more pleasure that to silence that foul pirate.Nico: Just the cannons for now.(Klara grows vines that stop the ship and covers up the cannons)

PAGE 8(Gert, Old Lace, Victor and Molly climb up to the edge of the ship and spot gorilla crewmen onboard) Gorillas: Ooga chunga, ooga chunga.Molly: Is this a pirate ship or a zoo?!Gert: Seeing as how its a pirate ship on wheels in the Mexican desert, I'm not sure what reality is anymore.Arrghface: We, we do just as we please, we're cowboys of the sea!PAGE 9(Old Lace, Victor and Molly fight the gorilla crew) Victor: No more monkeying around!Molly: Go back to Kongo Bongo!Arrghface: Bang, bang, I shoot you with my gun! (shoots Molly)Gert: Molly!Molly: Its okay guys, seems I'm bulletproof, see? I barely got bruised.Gert: Oh thank goodness!

PAGE 10Victor: You! (Victor attacks Arrghface with lightning) What kind of piratical, excrement for brains libertarian nonsense makes you think you can shoot guns at 14 year old girls!?(a gorilla grabs Victor from the back)

PAGE 11Arrghface: Hold on, somebody's stolen my hat! I'm going to kill everyone in this freaking place, STARTING. WITH. YOU!(Arrghface raises his sword to Victor)

PAGE 12(Nico and Klara teleport in mid air, drop kick Arrghface in the back of his head) Nico: Ah Victor, you're lucky a girl like me could fall for you.(Old Lace bites off the gorilla holding Victor)

PAGE 13Arrghface: (looking at Nico's butt) Such a cutie, what a bootie, I whipped out my flask. As I stared, with my hook at full mast!(Nico looks uncomfortable) Molly: I'll give you a full mast!(Molly tears out the ship's mast and clobbers Arrghface with it)

PAGE 14Nico: Good work everyone, our path is now clear!(Arrghface and the gorillas all knocked out) Klara: Ha ha, that was fun! A lot like...(Klara's mood shifts to melancholy) ...our old times. (later on the kids are driving along, Klara still melancholy stares silently out of the van window)

PAGE 15(the kids stop by an abandoned gas station) Nico; What are you doing Victor? We can't fuel up here.Gert: Yeah, just look at the gas prices, this place has been abandoned since the 90's for sure. Victor: I think it could be an okay place to camp out. It can't be much worse than the last hotel we stayed in.Gert: True. They likely hadn't cleaned that room since the 80's.

PAGE 16Molly: Yay, camping tip! (bursts out of the van) I'll go see if there's any hoboes for us to befriend. (Molly kicks down the door to the gas station) (Klara silently walks away from the others) Nico: Klara, could you be a dear and help me get things out of the van? (Klara grows a palm tree with her on top)

PAGE 17Nico: Klara? (Klara does not respond) Victor: Come to think of it, she's been quiet ever since we beat Captain Arrghface.Molly: (bursts out of the gas station carrying a rat) I didn't find any hoboes, but I found some rats. I'm gonna name this one Maria.Gert: Mol, put that rat down, it probably carries more diseases than an anti vaxxer rally.Molly: But we should get another pet now that Ruffus left. Nico: (concerned) Hey Molly, Klara seems to be in the middle of a weird mood. Maybe you should try talking to her.

PAGE 18(Molly poises herself on the ground) (she runs) (she jumps on top of the palm tree where Klara is, the palm tree shakes a little) Molly: Hey Klara, the view from up here must be great if you're up here so long. Me and the others are getting just a little bit worried about you.Klara: You'd all be better off without me.Molly: Pardon?

PAGE 19Klara: With Paul and Josh gone, you guys are all I have left. But when I rejoined with you tings got bad (crying) I got Gib and Doombot taken away, and I know you guys liked them.Molly: You had nothing to do with the Throwaways returning. Don't blame yourself for that!Klara: And your awesome underground home got destroyed. What if Karolina or Chase come back and they can't find us?Molly: They'll find a way to find us, I have faith in them.

PAGE 20Klara: (sniff) And Nico lost her job and you can't go to school now...Molly: Aw, I wasn't really doing much with school anyway. Neither were Gert or Victor. It was just a way to get out and socialize. Hey, Klara, remember that silly little robot Hank Pym gave us for homeschooling? Klara: (sniff) ...y-yeah...that lousy thing broke down after two weeks.Molly: And then Mr. Pyum never got back to us. Adults can be such buttheads sometimes.Klara: Heh, no kidding.

PAGE 21Molly: Its really not that big of a deal that we lost another house or some material possessions. Home is where the heart is, and we support each other through this. And you must not blame yourself for things outside your control, Klara. (Molly puts a hand on Klara's shoulder) You were never a burden to us. Now can you dry those tears? It looks like the others are starting a campfire. I bet Nico's gonna whip up something yummy. Klara: Yes...I suppose I'm feeling better. Thank you, Molly.

PAGE 22Molly: Alrighty, now let's get you back down to the ground. (Molly bridal carries Klara)Klara: Hey, you don't have to--(Molly jumps down from the top of the palm tree while carrying Klara, Klara screams)

PAGE 23(the kids all having dinner around a campfire and chatting, Klara smiles) (shadowy figure approaches them) Shadowy figure: Well, well...

PAGE 24(splash page reveals the figure to be Ke Hamilton) Ke: Aren't you lot looking all cozy and caught unawares.

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