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When morning came, Tomioka was on the edge of his seat as he waited to see you again. Hoping that you would show up just as you promised the night before.

Meanwhile you were back at Toguro's house, changing out of your sweaty yukata as you prepared to go out.

As soon as Toguro saw you fixing up you hair and checking yourself on every reflective surface around the house, his suspicions were high.

"Where are you going?" Toguro spoke from behind you just before you stepped out of the house.

"Out." You replied blankly, which irked him.

"Out..where?.." he asked with his dark eyes narrowing in suspicion.

"To see someone."

"Is it a boy?.."

"Yea- Hold on why do you care?"

You looked at him, bewildered at this guy's questions.

Toguro stiffened at your words as he crossed his arms over his toned chest. His usually messy mullet, somehow even more messy as the golden strands stood out from his dark blue hair.

Time Tells • KNY (rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now