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A rush of wind, the scent of honeysuckle, and then – silence. The world dissolved into a muted hum, a cacophony of disoriented sound. Shiva's hand brushed against something soft, warm, a fleeting touch before it vanished. Panic, sharp and sudden, clawed at his throat.

He tried to open his eyes, but they were locked in an endless night. A choked cry escaped his lips, swallowed by the thick darkness. He was trapped, adrift in a sea of inky blackness.

Visions flickered behind his closed eyelids – a flash of headlights, the horrifying crunch of metal, and his parents' faces, contorted in a silent scream. Then, a fleeting glimpse of blue – a girl with eyes like sapphires, her face a blur of concern. She seemed to appear from nowhere, a beacon in the wreckage, reaching for him with one hand before darkness claimed him completely.

The harsh sounds of sirens pierced the silence, dragging him back to the world of sensation. Pain, a searing agony, pulsed through his body, a chilling counterpoint to the numbing emptiness within.

He woke with a gasp, the sheets tangled around him like a shroud. The sterile white of the hospital room offered no comfort against the chilling realization – he was blind.

Three years had passed since the accident, three years since the world had been plunged into an endless night. Yet, the memory of that girl with sapphire eyes remained, a tantalizing fragment in the shattered mosaic of his past. A constant question echoed in the darkness – who was she? A figment of his shattered mind, or a real person who had offered a moment of comfort in his darkest hour?

His life, once a vibrant tapestry of colours and emotions, had become a monochromatic landscape, navigated by sound and touch. He was a prisoner in his own body, a king dethroned from his kingdom of sight. But within the darkness, a spark of defiance flickered. He would learn to live in this new world, to navigate the shadows and find his own light. The memory of the girl with sapphire eyes, a beacon in the wreckage, fueled his determination. Perhaps, one day, he would find her again, and together they would navigate the darkness.


Hello People!!

So here is the Prologue hope you all like it, let me know through your comments : )

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