Chapter 19: Falling Apart

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The weight of the unspoken words hung heavy in the air. Shiva's grip tightened on the picture frame, his knuckles turning white. A million questions clawed at his throat, but his voice seemed to have deserted him. The room, once filled with tentative hope, now echoed with a chilling silence. The picture frame in his hand felt like a cruel reminder of a life he could never truly grasp.

"Shiva.. I... couldn't find Isha... I have even sent our guards to che on her,... but no... I couldn't trace her anywhere " said Ram, his usually stoic face etched with worry, cleared his throat. "Shiva, listen. I went to the temple, looked everywhere, but Isha's gone. It... it seems like a kidnap."

Shiva's breath hitched. "Kidnap? But why? Who...?" The questions tumbled out of him, a desperate plea for answers. Ram shook his head, his own face pale.

"There were no witnesses, no signs of a struggle. Just..." He reached into his pocket and pulled out a single gold jumka, its intricate design shimmering under the harsh hospital light. "This was lying on the temple steps. It poked my foot. I i know it is Isha's"

Recognition flooded Shiva's eyes. The jumka, a delicate piece that had both His and Isha's Initials carved which he gifted Isha on their first date night , was unmistakable. A sob escaped his lips, a raw, primal sound that tore through the room.

The picture frame slipped from his grasp, shattering against the floor. He didn't care about the shattered glass, about the pain in his head. All that mattered was the cold, terrifying void where Isha should have been.

He looked at his friends, their faces reflecting the turmoil within him. Ram, the ever-reliable rock, his jaw clenched tight, and Dr. Sachi, his eyes filled with a helpless sorrow. These were the two people who knew him best, who had seen the vulnerable child beneath the facade of the ruthless businessman the world perceived.

A strangled cry escaped his lips as he clutched the remaining jumka to his chest. "Maa, Paa," he whispered, his voice thick with tears, addressing the faces in the broken photo frame. "I finally got my sight back, but I can't see her. Why?"

He picked up the shattered picture frame, the faces of his parents staring back at him with a heartbreaking serenity. "Why?" he whispered, his voice hoarse with grief. "Why did I have to find my sight only to lose the one person I truly wanted to see with it?"

The question hung heavy in the air, unanswered and agonizing. Ram and Dr. Sachi, their own hearts heavy with grief, could only offer him a silent embrace, their bond stronger than ever in the face of this shared tragedy.

Shiva, despite his reputation as a powerful tycoon, was a man deeply wounded. He had built his walls high, his vulnerability hidden from all but his closest friends. Now, with Isha gone, those walls crumbled, revealing the scared, heartbroken child beneath.

He clung to Ram and Dr. Sachi, the warmth of their bodies a small comfort in the vast ocean of fear. They had always known the soft heart that lay hidden beneath his sharp exterior, the man who valued love and loyalty above all else.

"Don't worry, Shiva," Ram murmured, his voice rough with emotion. "We'll find her. She is not only  you love but my sister too,... We'll move mountains if we have to. But you need to be strong, Isha needs you, we need you."

Shiva nodded, his grip tightening on their arms. He knew Ram was right. He couldn't afford to crumble. Isha needed him, and he wouldn't let her down.

Wiping away his tears, a steely glint returned to his eyes. He might have lost his sight once, but he wouldn't let fear cloud his vision now. He would find Isha, no matter the cost.

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