Chapter XIX

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Dakota's POV 

It's my 3rd day in the hospital. I want to go to my apartment, cause being in a hospital is really depressing. 


"Yes Jamie?" 

A beaming Jamie comes in with food in his hands. 

"A bucket of Fried Chicken, for the best" doing a very bad country accent. 

Well, at least I'm with my sunshine. 

He places the bucket in front of me, but then I throat. 

"Shit Jamie, am I allowed to eat solids already?" 

"Yup, asked your doctor this morning when you were asleep. I thought you're tired of soup so I surprise you with a bucket of fried chicken" 

"What made you think that I like a bucket of fried chicken?" 

"because everybody does....." 


"Jamie, I don't think I can finish this all...." 

He gave me a straight face like I was joking and being sarcastic.......This guy knows me well.

I dig into my food......Jamie also bought mashed potatoes. This is the most romantic gesture a guy has done for me. I'm not the, you know, romantic dates type of shit girl.....I'm more of a "you give me food and I'll love you for the rest of my life" type of girl. 

but the romantic date with Jamie, was acceptable only because I love him. Way too much. 


I look up at him with a mouth filled with mashed potatoes. I stared at him with an angry face, because he interrupted me while eating. 

He stared at me with fear in his eyes, trying to hide his amusement. 

"Nothing....I was going to ask you something but I got scared with your face when I interrupted you so......maybe I'll ask it later" 

I smiled, looking like a chipmunk with all the food in my mouth. Jamie watches me, his facial expression was amused with a bit of curiosity mixed in. 

"Where do you put it all?" 

"Put what?" 

"The food.......I mean, you can eat that much but you still manage to look sexy as fuck" 

Rolling my eyes,  I chewed and chewed and swallowed my food. 

"It's a special gift of mine...." 

"and where did you get that gift from?" 

"From god" 

I didn't know why Jamie laughed because for a minute there.....I was serious. I can't help but laugh with him because whenever he laughs so hard, his face gets red and he gets the-


The hiccups. 

This was my cue to laugh at him like the world was about to end. 

"Stop - laughing - at - me" he said in between hiccups. 

"I'm only laughing because you look stupid and adorable at the same time" 

"You're - the - only - girl - who can make - that -  sound - romantic" 

"You're the only guy who looks stupid and adorable at the same time" 

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