Killian Hades

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I survey the room full of students from Rogue Canyon College, where we've officially been sinners for six weeks, marking this as a celebration. I can't fathom why I attend these gatherings; they bore me. Nothing of interest ever happens—just intoxicated students indulging in debauchery. The loud music blares, surprising me that the cops haven't intervened yet. Despite being here for half an hour, I've yet to encounter anything intriguing.

"Yo, Hades!" Keaton's voice interrupts my thoughts as he spots me against the wall. Shirtless and adorned with lipstick marks and bruises, Keaton embodies the archetype of a manwhore. He revels in it. He refused to commit to anyone. I give him a disdainful look as he approaches. He chuckles as he reaches where I am.

"Why the long face at a party, Hades?" he jests. "I'm not in the mood," I reply tersely. "Have you seen Miss King around? You know she doesn't come to parties, right?" I ignore. "You're whipped, Hades." Keaton teases, but I remain silent. I won't give him the satisfaction of confirming his assumptions. He pulls me away from the wall and toward a table surrounded by guys and covered in empty bottles.

Keaton is one of my closest friends and a devoted person who would do anything for me. Our families' close ties and shared business partner histories are a deep bond between us. However, the others present caution. Just as Keaton is about to speak, two blonde girls swarm him, their advances blatant. One of them starts kissing him down his neck and chest while the other shoves her tongue down his throat.

I roll my eyes and let out a sigh. I need to leave this place and clear my mind. But then I spot her.

Lila King.

I have known her for as long as I can remember. Her father and mine were both sinners and were close in business, so we saw each other often. She hates me, or so she tells herself, and it's a fucking turn-on. Deep down, I know she wants me to fuck her so hard that she can't walk for days.

As she enters with Leah, her best friend, I wonder why she's here. She's not the party type; she's more of a bookworm. Nonetheless, her smile draws me to her, igniting a fire within. Her smile is intoxicating, a beacon of light in my dark world. She makes me question if there's any redemption in this life, any semblance of dawn amidst the darkness. My dick immediately gets rock-hard. Her fucking smile brings me to my knees. I've never had someone have such control over my body.

She makes me feel things. Unexplainable. I crave her. I want to taste her. Make her bleed for me. Those round, pumped lips. What I'd fucking do to them and use them for. I want a lustful, bloody war because her smile is visible to all. I can feel myself getting harder by the second. Fuck, when did I start having such little control over my dick?

Six months ago.

The night we had dinner together with her family, I went snooping around her room, technically looking for her dirty pants. I found a notebook under her pillow. She may appear innocent, but underneath it all, she is a f*cking hungry animal waiting for someone to bring that dark side out. Lila wants to be f*cked. Choked and pushed to the limit. She loves the idea of having a man on his knees for her, to the point where he's so overcome with desire for her that nothing can be stopped. She wants no say in what he does to her. She wants to be used and tossed around like the dirty animal she is. The feeling of no control makes her feel in control and wanted. It's a shame her so-called boyfriend can't and will never satisfy her. He's a f*cking vanilla p*ssy.  That's soon to change. She was meant for me, whether she likes it or not.

"Damn." Miles, one of my friends, looks at Lila with those hungry eyes every guy has for her. "I have never seen her at a party before. Maybe this is my chance."

"Touch her or even look at her again, Miles and you will regret ever thinking you had a chance." I speak with such tension that my jaw clenches and my fists tighten with anger. I know he wouldn't dare touch what's mine. Lila is mine. Mine to use and f*ck till I'm pleased. I can't wait for the world to know.

"Alright, man, chill. She's yours." He gives me a smirk as he brings his cup of tequila to his lips. "What will you do about Kyle?" My jaw clenches at the mention of the name. I lift myself off the wall and make my way towards Lila.

Our eyes meet, and a surge of electricity courses through me. I reach up to her and say, "Lila." 

"Killian," she breathes, her cheeks flushing. Her innocence entices me, and I find myself lost in her gaze. My gaze drops to her lips, and I fight the urge to taste them. The other girls vie for my attention, but I ignore them. Lila is the only one who matters, the only one I crave. She alone will soon bow down and worship me. I reach out, brushing a stray lock of her hair behind her ear. A wave of electricity passes between us, and I suppress a growl. She gasps softly, her mouth opening before quickly shutting. I smirk, knowing there's much more I want to do to her. But patience is key; I must bide my time.

She's like a drug, intoxicating me with deep lust. It feels way too good, but I need more. In time to come. "See you soon." I tell her and quickly walk past her before I do something stupid and ruin my plans. I tell myself, Get a group of yourself. I head for the staircase. I know Kyle is here somewhere. Let's find out what exactly he is up to.

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