Lila King

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As I exist the library after my reading session, my footsteps echoing in the empty corridors, the feeling of unease clings to me like a second skin. "Lila."
I freeze. The hairs on my back rise as I hear my name from his lips. Slowly, deliberately, he walks up behind me, his presence sending shivers down my spine.
"Killian," I barely whisper, already knowing who it is. I can  practically feel him grinning as he steps closer, his hands suddenly on my neck from behind.
My breath hitches, feeling like there's no air left in the world. I try to turn around, but his grip tightens, holding me in place. Tingling sensations run down my back, igniting a fire deep within me. I'm soaked, my body betraying me in the most twisted of ways.

"Leaving so soon? Not enjoying the new book?"
His voice is a seductive whisper in my ear, and I can feel his hot breath against my skin.
"What do you want, Killian?" I manage to rasp out, my voice barely audible over the pounding of my heart. He spins me around effortlessly, his hands holding me close by my waist.
Our lips are inches apart, and I can't tear my gaze away from his as he licks his lips with that deliciously pierced tongue of his. His eyes darken, locking onto mine with an intensity that sends shivers down my spine.

"Your hair is gorgeous, you know that?" His words send a shiver down my spine, his breath hot against my skin. I swallow hard, trying to push down the rising panic as his dark eyes bore into mine.
"Hey, Lila..." Kyle's voice interrupts, and I push away from Killian, my heart racing. "There is so much I want, and soon.
Soon you'll find out," Killian whispers in my ear, his words sending a chill down my spine as he disappears down the corridor.
"What are you doing talking to fucking Killian, Lila?" Kyle's voice slices through the tense air, dripping with anger.

I force a smile, my heart racing as I try to mask the fear clawing at my insides. "Nothing, baby. He's just... weird, you know?" My words falter, my cheeks burning with shame as I try to deflect his suspicion.

Without warning, Kyle's hand grips my chin like a vice, forcing my gaze to meet his. Panic surges through me, memories I've tried to bury clawing their way to the surface. "What the fu-" I begin, but he cuts me off with a demand, his grip tightening with each passing second. "Lila, you better not be fucking lying to me." His words send a shiver down my spine, my eyes stinging with unshed tears. I struggle to speak, my throat constricting with fear as I try to reassure him.
"I'm not lying," I manage to choke out, my voice barely above a whisper. But his grip only tightens, cutting off my breath as I feel the weight of his suspicion bearing down on me.
Suddenly, he releases me, his expression filled with regret as he realises the force of his actions. "Fuck, baby. I'm so fucking sorry," he blurts out, his voice thick with emotion. "I didn't mean... I just had a hard day and seeing you with him..."

I wipe away the tears streaming down my cheeks, trying to brush off his apology as I bury the memories threatening to consume me. "Lila," he whispers just as I bite back.
"Back off, Kyle," I say, immediately walking away.

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