Killian Hades

24 4 17

Two days later

I step through the door, exhaustion tugs at my muscles like invisible weights. Another long day, another shift of mindless tasks to occupy my mind but a good night ahead.
The familiar scent of home envelops me, a mixture of old wood, lingering dinner smells, and the faint aroma of my mother's favourite perfume. I drop my keys on the small table by the entrance and toe off my shoes, eager to escape into the solace of my room.
"Dad, is there any mail for me?" I call out, my voice echoing through the empty hallway. My father's response is muffled, barely audible from the depths of the living room.
"Check the kitchen table, Killian." I make my way to the kitchen, glancing at the cluttered table. Among the scattered bills and newspapers lies a single envelope, plain and unassuming.

I pick it up, flipping it over in my hands. There's no return address, no indication of who it's from. Curiosity prickles at the back of my mind, but I shrug it off. It's probably just another advertisement or some junk mail.
I head upstairs, the worn carpet soft beneath my feet. The familiar creak of the stairs accompanies me as I climb to the second floor, each step a rhythmic echo of the day's monotony. I strip off my clothes, letting them fall in a heap on the floor.

The shower beckons, promising relief from the grime of the day. Steam billows from the nozzle as I turn on the water, the sound a soothing rush against my ears. I step beneath the spray, letting it wash over me in warm waves. The water cascades down my body, a gentle caress against my skin. I close my eyes, letting the tension seep from my muscles with each passing moment. My thoughts drift back to the first time I visited Lila.

Silence engulfs the air as I enter the King's mansion. Lila's parents are out of town, leaving me free to finally own what belongs to me.
Lila King.
As I enter, I shut the door gently behind me and ascend the staircase in complete darkness and make my way towards her bedroom. It was merely a week ago that I saw her and found her dirty dairy. Now it's time to uncover if she is truly the slut she says she is.

I swing her bedroom door silently, her form deep asleep in her pink fluffy duvet that covers her whole till her neck. I walk to the bed, and without wasting any time, I gently pull it back, exposing her body. She's in a black pantie and bra, and my dick hardening at the sight. Removing my gloves, I set them on her bed side table and gently push her petit ethereal body onto her stomach. She starts to stir away, but soon relaxes back into the mattress.
I grab her curvy hips, feeling her every curve.

I want to memorise every inch of her.

Her heavy eyes open as she begins to wake up. As soon as she sees me, she gasps and starts to scream. She stops screaming as I cup her mouth. Tears begin to well up in the corners of her eyes and spread further. "Shush, my little Dawn," I gently whisper as I brush her delicate hair off her face.
Tears stream down her cheeks, and I twist my lip into a smile.

Her damp face is fucking beautiful. Her beauty coils around me like a snake, both, mesmerising and dangerous.

Grabbing one of her arms, I put my other hand over her head, keeping it around her mouth. I repeat with the other arm, reaching into my pockets to remove the rope. To make sure she can't escape, I fasten her wrists together and then bind it tto the bed post.
"I will remove my hand now, but let me hear you scream, Lila, and I promise you I will make you beg for mercy like you've never imagined."

I barely whisper against her delicate tanned neck, watching her skin react to me. I can feel her body shaking against the bed underneath me.
"How do you know me?" She manages to whisper, her voice trembling. She didn't scream. What an obedient little slut! With my mask on, and all of my tattoos covered, she won't be able to recognise me.
Plus, she loves a masked man, I beg she's soaked right now. Ignoring her, I give her a big grin as I lower myself down her body, breathing down her chest. Her chest rises, her breathing increasing. I smile as I watch her nipples harden through the thin bra material. Needing to see what's underneath, I grab the middle piece of the bra and rip it own.

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