Lila King

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We pull up to the Brickwood family mansion, and as I get out of the car, I'm immediately struck by its grandeur. The mansion is enormous, surrounded by a vast garden filled with exquisite roses in various colours.
The sight of it takes my breath away, and, unbidden, memories of my own home flash through my mind. It's not something I want to remember.
Shaking my head, I force myself to focus on the mansion before me. The entire structure is made of glass, revealing an interior filled with colourful, flashing LED lights, with people dancing on the balconies.
"Jessie lives here? asks Leah as we start to make our way to the door. She smiles and nods. "Yes, with her brother." "And her parents?" I inquire.

"They do too, but they're usually away on business," she replies. "That's why she threw this large celebration party."

My footsteps falter. "What kind of big party?"
Leah hesitates, looking guilty. "I didn't want to say-"
"Say what?" l ask, confusion and frustration rising within me. I don't go to parties, especially not with these people.
"Well, it's the Sinner's 6-week party." When I hear the word "sinner," I gasp, stepping back toward the car. Leah rushes over to stop me.
"I promise it's not as bad as you think. It's like a normal party." I cut her off. "You know me; of all people, do not associate with these people. My dad..." trail off, memories flooding back. I shake my head. "I just can't." Leah places a hand on my arm. "We can go back if you really want, but Lila, this party is not bad. I wouldn't have brought it to you if it were. I just want you to get out of your head a little and have some harmless fun."

I look into her eyes. Leah wouldn't lie to me. Maybe she's right. I should try to have some fun. Just a little. Plus, she's with me, and there are lots of other people around. Nothing could
go wrong.
"Fine, but you owe me." I give her a shy smile. She giggles and takes my hand as we walk to the door. The pulsating music and chatter envelope us as we step into the grand entrance.
Leah leans in close, excitement in her voice, as she points out various details of the party. As she spoke, my attention drifted immediately, my eyes scanning the room until they landed on him.
Killian Hades.

My heart skips a beat as he stands there, the air around me thickening.
Every inch of him exudes danger and allure, and I find myself unable to tear my gaze away. His eyes, pools of darkness that seem to hold untold secrets, meet mine, sending shivers down my spine. A smirk plays on his lips as he says something to his friend before pushing off the wall and walking across the room towards me. I can feel the heat rising in my cheeks.
and other places we shall not speak of, my breath coming in shallow gasps. Every fiber of my being screams to stay far away from him, to resist him, but his dark eyes lock onto mine as he approaches me, awakening a wildfire deep within me. I hate the way he makes me feel.
Killian is nothing but danger. He literally is the killer king, and the reasons behind that must have to do with him being a sinner. I want nothing to do with that. So why the fuck does he have to be so hot?!

He strides through the shadows with a loud confidence that makes every girl in the room blush, some even pushing their tits out more as he walks past them. I roll my eyes. His piercing, dark eyes are like an ocean at midnight, holding untold secrets. Tattoos adorn his lightly tanned, smooth skin—dark, intricate designs that look more like scars than a story being told. Or maybe that is his way of telling a story about his scars.
Killian Hades is fifty shades of fucked up, but am I not, too?
The tattoos snake around his arms and chest, and I can only imagine where else they go. I awkwardly swallow, keeping eye contact with him. The ink leaves you more
interested in him.

Snap out of it, Lila. I scold myself. I tell myself to let go of his gaze, but for some reason, I don't.
Fuck, I hate myself. His short curls bounce off his face, a dangerous thrill coursing through my veins like a drug.
Snap out of it, Lila. He's nothing but a player. He stops in front of me and smirks. "Lila." He says it slowly with his deep, melting voice.
"Killian." I stare into his eyes, lost in them as I speak, losing my breath as the hairs on my back stand. He releases a little smirky laugh as he licks his lips. I find myself staring down at his lips and tongue, unable to look away. Without a word, he steps closer, his delicious smirk sending waves down my pussycat, making me throb.
Before I can even realize it, he reaches out to brush stray hair behind my ear, his finger slightly brushing my skin, making me gasp and my mouth open. I quickly close it, but the little smile he gives me makes me think he saw it. He knows what he is doing. time stands still as our eyes lock. His eyes darken, and my chest rises. He is intoxicating me with his presence. He smells like old money and wood, with a slight hint of whiskey and cigarettes. Fuck me.

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