chapter 7

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Hey, come on, Sawyer, give that back!" a young king shouts. He jumps up to grab the book that was in the juvenile speedster's hand. "Come on, kid, why don't you pick up the pace and grow up; maybe you wouldn't have to jump," Racer chuckled. "And I thought I told you the name's Racer."

The boy stopped jumping and looked at him with a deadpan expression. "I don't know why you're not going faster; you're just making people slow." The young slayer then crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow. "And was Racer really the best you could come up with?"

"Like 'King' is any better," Racer scoffed. "Pretty arrogant, don't you think?" leaning to raise his own eyebrow at the younger mage.

King answered with an indignant shout. "I am a king." He leaned his head up to look Racer dead in the eyes. His eyes acted as a ruby mirror before Racer's reflection was swallowed by his almost otherworldly eyes.

"I am a king in the making," he said.

He said with zero hesitation, so serious Racer was taken aback. This was a kid but carried himself like he was on top of the world. No, like he ruled the world.

Sawyer was in a trance for a whole minute before suddenly he felt a kick in his right knee. "Ah, crap!" he yelled as he fell to one knee before the book in his hand was snatched away. "Ha ha," the cheeky mage mocked, sticking his tongue out. "See, I made you kneel, boom!" he said as he ran away. "Why, you little-" Racer started as he got up. "Get back here, you little brat!" "Neverrrr," he shouted, laughing the whole time.

As King walked with Brain, he thought back to that moment. Then they weren't a dark guild, just a bunch of kids learning and growing. Funny, a lot of moments growing up involved running away from Racer for one reason or another.

He walked next to Brain with his hood up, keeping the light from nirvana out of his eyes. Quinn was on his shoulder for once being silent. He knew even she was feeling bad about Racer and she'll do her part with zero questions.

As they were walking, all of a sudden Brain kneeled over. "Whoa, boss, Brain, are you good?" Quinn asked in surprise. King grabbed from the so the brain could lean on him.

"Okay, dude, what the heck is wrong?" Not a small amount of irritation. As Brain got up, he looked up and spoke.

"Angel has been vanquished," he said. "No, not another one, what's going on, who are these guys?!" Quinn screamed holding her head, tail swishing back and forth.

King, on the other hand, was silent, his hood covering his eyes as he grits his teeth.

'What is happening' King thought.

King was older now with Quinn on his head leaning on a tree. He and Angel had been given a to go to a guild under their control to gather intel to sell. Angel in her feathery dress was on a log while a couple of squirrels they had hunted on sticks were being cooked over an open fire.

"Can you believe that guy," she growled irritated, fuming as she thought back to the now completed mission.

Ok, so this is what happened.

When they got there at first it was pretty normal. Everyone was scared as they walked through the guild. Quinn didn't make it better by announcing their arrival by cussing out and insults to anyone who would meet her eyes.

She was a handful.

Anyway as the guild master came to greet them King could tell he was a slimeball.

He was a tall man skinny in a banged-up robe. He looked Angel up and down while only giving King a passing glance. Ignoring the fact he was probably two decades older " With beauty such as yours, you must be Angel." he greeted as walked up to them. He then turned his gaze to the younger of the trio. "And who might this be?" he asked in a patronizing tone.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26 ⏰

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