Chapter Twelve: On The Hunt

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While Gingka, Madoka, and Kenta were talking to Masamune and the members of Team Wang Hu Zhong, she borrowed Madoka's computer to contact Nile and Damoure. To the best of her ability, she explained the new Star Fragment and what Legendary Bladers were. As confusing as it was, Nile and Damoure both seemed to possess the same suspicions as her.
"Whatever happened to that Yuki guy sounds similar to the light we witnessed in the desert," stated Nile.
"Thanks Nile. Thanks Demure," said Sandra. "We'll see you soon."
With that, the video call ended. She made her way back to Ryo's office where the others were to return Madoka's computer.
"Any luck?" Sandra questioned as she returned the computer to Madoka.
Gingka, Madoka, and Kenta all shook their heads. She watched as Kyoya returned to the office, he caught their eyes and shook his head.
"Hikaru, how's it going over there?" Ryo asked.
Across the room, Yuki and Hikaru seemed to be figuring out something else.
"Good! We've just finished the analysis!" Hikaru answered.
"Everyone, please look at the monitor now," Yuki instructed, and they each turned their heads to look at it. "This footage captures the moment when the Star Fragment entered the stratosphere and scattered across the earth. It all happened so very quickly, it's hard to see exactly what is going on obviously. After reviewing this frame by frame, it becomes crystal clear. Take a look, here we can verify a light that splits off and flies away. After calculating the trajectory, we believe that light fell here."
The monitor showed a red dot in the middle of multiple islands.
"Somewhere in the vicinity of this remote island." Hikaru disclosed.
"Cool!" They all breathed, while Kyoya had joined them.
"So far away." Ryo remarked.
Gingka clenched his fists with anticipation. "Wherever that Star Fragment fell, there's a Legendary Blader. I have to go check it out, Dad, right away!"
"I'm going with you, Gingka!" claimed Kenta.
"Yeah, me too!" shouted Madoka.
"Of course, I will go as well," Yuki stated.
"I didn't come all this way for nothing," Sandra told them, grinning eagerly.
"Alright, let's do it then." Gingka affirmed.
"Yeah!" They all raised their voices, strong determination and hope could be felt in the room.
"If the evil forces that intend to revive Nemesis get their hands on the Star Fragment, there'll be serious trouble. Start by going to that island and after that, search every continent. Gingka, my son, listen. You and the gang must find the remaining Legendary Bladers as fast as possible," Ryo announced to the Bladers.
"As soon as we have any new information, we'll contact you," Hikaru assured.
"We're counting on all of you." Ryo gazed at the gathered, self-proclaimed Blading team.
"Yes, sir!"
"A quest to find nine Legendary Bladers, is that all? This is shaping to be another difficult journey," mused Madoka.
"I'll get my things and meet you guys at the train station," Kyoya told them.
"Same here," agreed Sandra. "I'll see you guys soon."
That's when they all left the office to pack up their bags. They may be unsure of what fate has in store for them, but they are determined to face it head on.

Waiting on a hill, Sandra laid on the warm grass. Taking in her surroundings, Bey City had become a second home to her. Out of nowhere, she felt something rubbed against her leg. Sandra looked to see that it was a dappled golden tabby cat. Intrigued, Sandra sat up and offered her hand. It moved forwards, staring at her hand for a second, before its small tongue licked her. Sandra believed it was peculiar to meet a stray cat in that part of the city. Off in the distance, there was a sudden crashing noise, and then a shout.
The dappled golden tabby cat took off and Sandra followed after it. It appeared to be heading in the direction of the noise. Once she arrived at the scene, you were shocked to witness Gingka under the overpass facing off against the strange guy from the other day. Sandra quickly found Madoka, Kenta, and Yuki off to the side and Sandra stood beside them.
Gingka grunted. "I can't believe I let you lure me to a place like this where your beyblade has the advantage."
"Me either. You're both slow and doomed," The man stated.
"What did you say?"
"Go, Lynx!" The guy's Bey was tall, similar to Zeo's Flame Byxis. It charged towards Pegasus and sent it flying into the concrete wall, and then attacked it once again before it hit the ground.
Yuki gasped. "Mr. Gingka!"
"You're mine now!"
"Do it now, Pegasus!"
Just before Lynx contacted Pegasus, Gingka's beyblade escaped and caused Lynx to move into the open space. Pegasus caught up with Lynx before launching it into the sky. Miraculously, Lynx landed on the ground perfectly.
"How can it do something like that?" Kenta questioned.
"Woah, it's just like a cat!" commented Madoka. "It has amazing balance."
Pegasus and Lynx were aiming for each other straight on. Racing towards Lynx, Pegasus was close to attacking when Lynx's Spin Track extended. It caught Gingka off guard, allowing the guy to retaliate with great force. The odds were not looking good for Gingka, though you could not imagine him losing to some random opponent. You sensed as though there was something off about Gingka's new Bey.
"Now, Pegasus, Final Drive M—"
"Gingka!" shouted a familiar voice.
Astounded, all of them shifted their gazes upwards.
"Kyoya!" exclaimed Gingka.
There, standing on top of the highway barrier, was the one and only Kyoya. Sandra couldn't stop herself from smiling the moment he came into view.
"Good guess. Why are you having such a hard time with this guy? There's no need to show your best move to an amateur kitty cat like him!" Kyoya claimed fiercely.
"Say what?" reacted Gingka's opponent.
"Kyoya!" Gingka called.
"My Leone will tear right through this guy in an instant!" Kyoya proclaimed, launching his beyblade and surrounded by a bright green aura.
"Could it be? You're a Legendary Blader too?" The weird man questioned, stunned.
"So, maybe I am. Why don't you see for yourself?"
"No way," The guy spoke in horrified disbelief. "Two of them have already awakened?"
With only a single attack, Lynx was spiralling through the air. Sandra understood she was witnessing the strength of Kyoya's evolved Leone. Sandra sensed its powerful presence, amazed at how it could grow even stronger. Sensing his chances of winning were low, the strange guy leaped up and caught his Bey.
"What up?" questioned Kyoya.
"I'm at a disadvantage when it's two against one, boys, but it doesn't matter. We'll end things here for today," he told them. "But this doesn't mean that l've given up on the power of the Star Fragment that you two possess."
"Ha! Good luck! I'll take you on any time, kitty!" retorted Gingka.
"Scratch ya later!" he spoke, retreating.
Benkei joined the rest of them. "What a scaredy cat! Kyoya must have chased him back to his litter box."
"Benkei!" exclaimed Kenta.
"If you people and Gingka are tracking down the rest of these Legendary Bladers, I'm coming too. I will defeat all of them, hear me?!" Kyoya proclaimed passionately.
Sandra rolled her eyes. "Good to know what his priorities are."
"And going with you guys is the fastest way to accomplish that feat," he declared. "Gingka, my showdown with you will be after that."
"Yeah, Kyoya!" shouted Benkei.
"What are you guys waiting for? Let's get this show on the road." Kyoya picked up his bag and started walking in the other direction.
"Wait for me, Kyoya!" Benkei hollered.
"Race ya!" Sandra shouted, running past him.
"You're challenging a bull to a race, Sandra!" bellowed Benkei. "That's a huge mistake!"
They may be unsure of what fate has in store for them, but they are determined to face it head on. But Sandra was privately happy and glad that Kyoya had decided to come along with the small group.

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