Minho: Y/n and I? Together?

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Minho POV:

I am running back to the Glade after a long long long long day in the Maze. I am kinda sick and tired of running in the Maze since nothing is changing! The paths change but it is still the same. It is like someone is pressing the repeat button or something on the Maze.

I turn the corner to see Y/n leaning on the wall waiting for me. She always waits for me after a day in the Maze. We run into the same door but have different paths to go down. We switch occasionally since it can get pretty boring doing the same path everyday.

Y/n...... the one person that makes me feel happy after a long day in the Maze. She always makes me smile by just existing. She looks perfect every day. Her hair shines in the sun or the moonlight. Her eyes sparkle no matter what. She always has a positive attitude even on the worst days. Y/n is just amazing.....

"Minho!" She exclaims as she looks up.

"Y/n!" I exclaim with the same amount of energy.

Y/n always has energy. I don't know how she keeps it up. She runs a whole day in the Maze and still has energy to spare for a whole week. Her energy is quite contagious. Once Y/n talks to you, you feel energized for the rest of the day.

"How was the Maze today?" She asks as I jog up to her.

"Good, the same as last time." I answer.

"Yeah, same." She huffs out.

We jog out of the Maze together. Everyone is doing their jobs just like normal.

"Y/n! Minho! You're back!" Chuck, the newest Greenie, yells as he runs over to us.

"Yep! Did you think that we weren't coming back?" Y/n asks.

"It just makes me nervous I guess." The boy whispers.

"Well, don't you worry about us! We have been doing this for 3 years. We know what to do." Y/n assures him.

"Okay!" Chuck says getting happier.

"Sorry to break this up but Y/n and I have to write down our paths." I say.

"Okay! See you later!" Chuck yells as he runs off.

I shake my head as a chuckle leaves my lips.

"That kid is sure something." I say to Y/n.

"Yep but I love him." Y/n says. "Now lets go do our maps."

"Yes, Ma'am!" I say with a teasing salute.

Y/n hits me in the chest.

"Stop!" She yells playfully. "Race ya!"

"Hey! No fair!" I yell after her.


I am sitting by the fire finishing my food that Fry made.

"So?" Fry asks.

"You could of done better." I tease.

Fry hits me in the back of my head.

"Ow!" I yell at him as I rub my head.

"That's not what I ment." Fry says.

"What in the shucking world did you mean then?" I ask now extremely confused.

"I was asking about Y/n." He starts simply.

"What about her?" I ask while putting more food in my mouth.

"That is what I am asking, dumbo!" Fry yells at me.

"Well, just go ask her yourself." I say after I swallow my food.

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