Thomas(Platonic Soulmates)- I Love You Platonically

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Y/n POV:

I am walking through the Glade bored out of my mind. I finished my run early this afternoon which is weird since I normally don't finish until around 3 or 4. Anyway...

I started to walk around to see if anything interesting is happening today. So far, nothing is remotely cool!

Newt and the other Gardeners are doing there job, Minho and the rest of the Runners are still in the Maze which is where I am supposed to be but finished early, Fry is in the kitchen trying to figure out what to do for food tonight, and Gally is with the rest of the Builders looking at the watering system for the plants.

Nothing new is happening.....

"Hey, Y/n!"

I turn around to see Thomas running towards me. He must've just gotten done with his run because he is all sweaty.

"Hey, Thomas! Are you done with your run?" I ask.

"Yeah, just finished. Didn't you have a run today?" He asks.

"Yeah, I finished my run really quickly today." I inform.

"That must've been nice." Thomas says as we start to walk over to the Map Room so he can map his route.

"Yeah, well, kinda."

"What do you mean?"

"I've been bored all day!" I yell a little dramatically.

"That sucks." He says.


We get to the Map Room and he starts to draw his map out. I sit on one of the chairs and watch him. My head is in my hands and my elbows are on the table.

Thomas has been my best friend ever since he came up in the Box. I've been here just as long as Alby has and, believe me when I say, I have been expecting another girl but it hasn't happened. All the boys treat me differently since I'm 'delicate' and 'smaller' which you'd think smaller is true but I'm 5'3" but I am still 'smaller'. Delicate is definitely the opposite of me. I don't care if I get my hands dirty or sweat all day and I don't care if I don't eat a full meal every single day. But when Thomas came up in the Box, everything changed! Thomas is the only one who actually excepts that I am strong than most of the men here and can take care of myself. So it just makes sense that Thomas became my best friend.


My head snaps up from my zoned out position.


"I've been calling your name for the past minute." Thomas says.

"Oh, sorry." I say sheepishly.

"What were you thinking about?" He asks as he leans on the table.

"How your the only one who actually believes in me." I reply.

"Oh." Thomas looks a little shocked. "Well, I'm not the only one who thinks that. I mean, everyone believes in you they're just afraid to loose you so they try not to put you in a situation where they can loose you."

I think of what he just said for a minute.

"Do you not care if you loose me?" I tease him.

"Yeah, no, I don't really care. You totally aren't my best friend and I totally don't need you in my life to continue living." He replies sarcastically.

We both laugh.

"Of course I'm afraid of loosing you." He says.

"Then why don't you try to keep me in the Glade like the others?" I ask.

"Well, two reasons. One: It is pointless to try to change your mind."

"True." I say as I nod my head.

"And two: I'm always with you so I can protect you whenever."

We make eye contact for a second. We share a message that can't be described by words or actions. A message that is more like an unbreakable promise. An unbreakable promise that is deeper than you can ever imagine.

"I love you platonically, Y/n." Thomas says, using our inside joke.

"I love you platonically, Thomas." I say back.

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