Brenda: A Memory

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Before the story: Y/n, Thomas, Newt, Minho, Fry, and Teresa were lying in the middle of the Scorch after days of walking. (Winston died a few days ago, just to make sure you know.)

Y/n POV:

I was lying on the ground after a day of walking in the heat of the scorch. I was exhausted but tried not to show it not wanting to look weak, even though I knew everyone else was just as tired as I was. I closed my eyes wishing we were back at the glade....... the glade, that sounds nice. When all of a sudden I was hit on the arm, I jolt up to a standing position ready to fight off any cranks. I then realize Thomas was talking to me.

"L-l-lights?" Thomas said questioningly but I could still hear the tiredness in his voice. I squinted at the place Thomas's finger pointed trying to get a good look. It looked like lights which means..... "People!" I yelled. I kicked Teresa in the leg, a bit harder than I should've but I didn't care. As everyone got up confused there was a loud bang, I looked around trying to find the source until Thomas yelled, "RUN!" Newt grabbed my hand and we ran to the building with the lights. I looked back to see lightning bolts hitting the ground rapidly. "What the hell?!" I said. I looked back to the front as the building was getting closer........ Will we make it?


We all made it! Well Minho got hit by lightning but he is awake. I look around the room trying to figure out where we were. I see something move out of the corner of my eye, my head snapped to the movement as I took two steps toward it. All of a sudden the thing jumped at me! Luckily Fry pulled me back before the thing could grab me. "Are you okay?" Fry said just as startled as I was. "Yeah... Thanks" I said while trying to catch my breath. "Any time" he said.

"I see you have met our guard dogs." The lights turned on in the room showing that we were surrounded by a whole bunch of tied up cranks, as we all looked over to the voice a girl was smirking leaning against the doorframe. She had short black hair with brown eyes and tan skin. As her eyes traveled over everyone, they landed on me and the smirk was gone leaving her face in concealed shock. Her eyes met mine and something flashed before my eyes...


I was about 10 years younger. I was playing around in the sand with another little girl. She was my age and looked exactly like the girl that I just saw except with longer hair. She looked at me as I grabbed a bunch of sand in my hands and threw it in the air. The girl laughed, a sweet sound I haven't heard in a while.

"Y/n, you know you can't throw sand in the air" she said. "Says who?" I said putting my hands on my hips. She sighed and gave me a look I feel like I have seen many times, "Says Jorge!" "The only way he will know is if you tell him." I whisper-yell at her so Jorge doesn't hear. She sighs again, "You really like to push his buttons, don't you?" "Oh he loves it." "That is what you think until he kicks both of us onto the streets with the crazy cranks!" "He loves us to much to kick us out" I said matter of factly.

Before she could make another statement a loud whirling sound came from above, we both look up as I hear a male voice yell, "Brenda, Y/n!" As we were about to run to Jorge, a bright light shined on us as people in black armer came down on zip lines from the berg. The people in armer pointed their guns at the three of us. Then they shot me with an electric bolt. I fell on the ground with a scream. Before my eyes closed, I saw Jorge try to run to me but was grabbed by the armed people. He was yelling something I couldn't understand. I felt my body get picked up, I turned my head to see Janson. He carried me to the berg and set me down lightly saying, "You are very special Y/n." I barely heard what Janson said as I fell into the black abyss hearing my name being called by the girl......

*End Flashback*

As the memory ended only one thing came out of my mouth, "Brenda......"

This was an interesting story! I hope you all liked it! Have an amazing day!

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