Chapter 1: The Beginning of the End

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She jolted awake, eyes wide open and screaming. Breathing heavily, she frantically looked around in the darkness, loud sobs violently shaking her tiny frame. She could still feel those clawed hands on her skin, dragging her away to the empty darkness. Suddenly, a light appeared, and her frightened eyes met a pair of familiar deep brown ones, filled with worry. She immediately recognised who they belonged to and a wave of relief washed over her as she threw herself into her father's arms, seeking his protective embrace. His arms wrapped around her carefully and his hands gently patted her back in a soothing rhythm. In her father's embrace, she could feel herself relaxing as she inhaled the familiar scent of his perfume. She wasn't cold anymore and the fear was slowly being chased away. She realised that she was home, in her room. The forest and its darkness had all been a dream.

As a soothing melody was sung, she felt a pair of hands gently taking one of hers. She recognised her mother's voice and tightened her hold, never wanting to let go. After a few more minutes, her untrollable sobbing finally came to an end and with big teary red eyes, she looked up to her father, unclenching her hand from its tight hold on his shirt.

"I dreamt of the scary hands" she whispered, her lower lip quivering. "I-I think they're close." A few tears rolled down her pink cheeks. "They found us."

"It's going to be okay. We won't let them get to you." Her father told her with a deep and calming voice, as he tightened his hold on her. He looked at his wife worriedly meeting her fearful eyes.

"Does it hurt anywhere, Yuki-chan?" Her mother asked softly.

Letting Ms. Tamura's words sink in, Yuki turned her head in her direction, sniffing loudly. She pondered over her words. Did it hurt anywhere? It hurts everywhere, all the time. She had grown so accustomed to this constant pain that she couldn't tell where it hurt more without focusing hard.

"Here" she answered after a few seconds, pointing to her right ankle.

Now that she had acknowledged the pain, she could feel it constantly throbbing painfully. Letting go of Yuki, her father took a good look at her. Parts of her face, along with her arms and legs, were covered in shallow scratches. Taking a deep breath, her father bent down to look at her ankle, before gasping in alarm. Getting up quickly, he lifted Yuki to sit her on the edge of the bed. Carefully, he took her small foot in his hand, eyes glued to the ugly red bruise forming around her delicate ankle. His eyes teared up and he looked up at his wife horrified. Yuki's mother took a few steps closer, kneeling before her daughter. Her emerald eyes roamed over her small form, worry etched onto her features.

Since birth, Yuki had been a frail child, always smaller than others her age. And, because of her weak constitution, she was often sick. She was also far from ordinary, special in more ways than one. She possessed powerful abilities and one of them manifested itself in the form of dreams. Through them, she could catch glimpses of the future, and warnings of approaching dangers, but always at a cost.

No matter what she went through, she never complained, keeping her pains and fears to herself. Only in rare moments of vulnerability would she drop the mask hiding her true emotions. That is why the sight of her daughter's puffy red eyes was particularly heartbreaking to Ms. Tamura. As she closely inspected Yuki's condition, pure horror welled up in her stomach. Yuki's usually bright eyes were red and almost lifeless, dark circles adorning them. Her long, silky white hair was completely dishevelled and tangled up. Her milky skin had become deathly pale, with bloody shallow scratches scattered everywhere, and her ankle was swelling up and turning purple.

Any other child would be crying from the pain, but not Yuki. Her pain tolerance is abnormally high, she thought her throat tight, a few tears rolling down her cheeks. Ms. Tamura desperately wished she could take away her daughter's pain. Wiping her tears away, she made a decision.

"Anata, take care of Yuki's wounds. I have to talk to the Imais and warn them." She declared while getting up and taking one last look at her daughter, her heart made heavy by the realisation of what it meant. Closing the door, Ms. Tamura left the room quietly.

Turning to her father to look him in the eyes, Yuki said somberly without hesitation "We have to leave."

"Yes, we do." Answered her father sadly.

"I'm sorry..." She whispered, shoulders hunched.

"Oh, Yuki..." Her father said, eyes glued to his daughter's heartbroken expression. "No, it's not your fault." He added, holding her hand gently. "Please don't blame yourself. Truthfully, it was only a matter of time before they found us again. Don't worry, we'll find a new home, everything will be okay."

"It won't..." Yuki whispered, remembering her dream. She started shivering, feeling cold as the realisation hit her. They had to leave.

Greetings dear reader,

When I first published this story, I merged the Prologue and Chapter 1, but after re-reading everything, I realized it was too long. So, I decided to split them, and I think it's much nicer now—not as excessively long as before!

Anyway, what do you think? 

P.S.: For those who don't know, "Anata" means "darling." I decided to use some Japanese words here and there in my chapters because I think it's charming. 


The Author. 

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