Chapter 20 (18+)

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The loud music was almost deafening, there were people everywhere, dancing, drinking without a care in the world. Surprisingly Freen finds herself among them, not once, not twice but quite a lot. A part of herself that was always kept locked in, now free. 

She let's her body move to the rhythm. The feeling intoxicating. In the distance she spots the person she had been waiting for. 

They move in to hug each other before taking their seats.

"Why didn't you tell me what happened?" Freen asks as soon she settles in.

"What for?" Billy asks.

"What do you mean, what for?"

"We have been friends for years and someone else has to tell me that you almost died and because of Saint?"

Billy sat in silence, Freen takes his hands into her own, "Look I have been looking for the blue ledger like I promised and I haven't found it. I also know about the 1 million he stole. We can get a loan or I will sell the house he apparently left me in Phuket. Why did he need that house anyway? Did he have another life there? Whatever, we can pay them back so they will leave you alone."

"He used it to launder money. That house is worth a fortune. Don't worry about the money, Okay?"

He paused looking at her for a moment, "They don't care about the money. All they want is the ledger."

Freen sighs, "I will keep looking. Look, I promise I will look everywhere for that book. Just keep holding on, Okay?"

"Promise me you won't give it to the cops. Please."

Freen shakes her head in disapproval, "Look what happened to you, how can you ask me to promise you that? We need the police, it's not safe."

"We can't involve the cops, Freen. Like you said they are dangerous."

"Did you see who did this to you?"

"No. They covered their faces, all I saw was a scar in his hand."

Freen didn't want him to get hurt. These people are dangerous and they could come for Becky or Lyra next. She can't let anything happen to them. As much as she trusted Heng, she wanted these people to leave them alone.

"I promise."

He smiles, finally colour returning to his face, "Anyway, you didn't drag me out here to listen to my woes. Let's do some shots."

"Yeah." Freen agrees.



"Two shots of tequila." He orders.

"Make it four." Freen says with a wink.

"Ah, there she is." He says bumping his shoulder with hers.


As soon as Freen returns home she receives a call. The caller ID instantly brings out a smile on her face.


"Hi" Becky's soft greeting is enough to make her feel a million different things.

"What are you doing?"

Freen bit her lip. "What am I doing? It's 2 AM." 

"Then why are you awake?"

Freen walks towards her room, "I have been out drinking."

"I really wanted to dance. Then I called Billy. We talked, I had about 25 shots." She says as she sat down in her bed.

"You had 25 shots?"

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