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[The room was grey and shadowy. Even with the light off, it wasn't completely dark. A bit of light slipped through the cracks of an old window pane, casting faint patterns on the dusty floor. On the worn wooden table, whiskey and beer bottles were scattered, some empty and some were half-full. The air smelled of alcohol and cigarettes. In the opposite of the room, someone, maybe a man, sat in an Ergonomic Chair with his back turned. His silhouette was barely visible, but the soft clinking of glass was the hint of his appearance. He lifted a bottle, took a slow drink, and set it back down with a muted thud, maintaining an air of mystery and tension.]

[Suddenly..... Someone broke down into the room and huffed his breath. As it was slightly dark only a voice could hear at once.]

Person 1: Hail to the GREAT SCORPION. (In a possessive manner)

[The man in the chair didn't turn back. But his thundering voice echoed in the room.]

Scorpion: What is.............. it?

Person 1: (Still catching his breath) We have a problem. The authorities are closing in on our shipment. They caught one of our trucks at the border.

Scorpion: (A hint of amusement in his voice) Is that so? Okay.... (Mimicking) Then what do you propose to do?

Person 1: (Nervously) We need to change the road. We...... We need to move the remaining cargo immediately. If they trace it back to this location, everything will be lost.

[Leans forward, making his silhouette slightly clearer, revealing a sharp, angular face filled with a beard.]

Scorpion: (very calmly) Every move is calculated. The authorities' interference was expected.

Person 1: (Panic rising) But sir, if they find the warehouse...

Scorpion: (Interrupting) Calm down Kailash. Calm down my boy. The decoy warehouse is already in place. Let them find it. By the time they realize it's empty, our real shipment will be safely on its way.

Kailash: (Relieved) You're always ten steps ahead, sir.

[This time he got up and came in front of Kailash. A low light spread all over his face revealing his entire face. It was calm but Satanic enough. He smiled showing all of his teeth.]

Scorpion: (Smirks) And that's why I lead, and you follow. (After a pause) Now, contact our inside man. It's time to set the final phase of our plan in motion.

Kailash: (Nods) Yes, sir. Right away.

[As Kailash hurriedly exits the room, Scorpion leaned back in the chair again, a satisfied expression scattered on his face. He lifts the bottle again, savoring the taste of the rotten grapes, knowing that the game is far from over and he still holds all the cards.


[The time was 4:30 pm in the evening.]

[The warehouse is dimly lit, the only light coming from flickering overhead lamps. The atmosphere is tense, filled with the sound of boots crunching on the gravel floor. A team of police officers methodically broke down into the area, their flashlights piercing through the darkness.]

[There were a total of 5 officers along with 10 constables. The leading officer proceeded further to order the rest.]

Leading Officer: Spread out! Check every corner, every crate! Leave nothing unchecked!

[The officers fanned out, their flashlights illuminating stacks of empty boxes and abandoned equipment. The air was thick with dust, and the smell of mildew permeates the space. One of the following officers, called out from the far side of the warehouse.]

Following Officer: Dhruv Sir! (Screamed) Over here!

[The following officer stood beside a large wooden crate and there was a Scorpion symbol inscribed over it.]

Dhruv: Open it Madhav.

[Officer Madhav nodded and tried to open it with a crowbar. As the lid came off, they found it empty, like all the others.]

Dhruv: (frustrated) Damn it! He played with us. Spread the word; we need to double back and find out where the real shipment is.

[The 3rd younger officer, rushes over to Officer Dhruv holding a tablet, his face illuminated by its glow.]

3rd Officer: Sir, I think I have a lead. (Showing the laptop) Intelligence confirmed us that surveillance footage from the area shows unusual activity at an old factory on the outskirts of the town. (After a second) It can be our real location.

[Officer Dhruv took a deep breath, nodded slowly as he processes the information.]

Dhruv: Good work, Suraj. Alright, everyone! Suraj, get us the coordinates.

Suraj: (in a hesitate) But sir there's a problem.

Dhruv: What Officer Suraj?

Suraj: Sir, that area is not under our control.

Dhruv: Then we'll send some other cops for the operation. What is the worry?

Suraj: Sir we can't trust any outsiders.

Dhruv: (after a pause) You're right Suraj. This operation is too sensitive. We need someone we can trust implicitly.

Suraj: Who do you have in mind, sir?

Dhruv: (leaning closer, his voice lowering) There's one person I can think of. A man who operates in the shadows and is not bound by jurisdiction. A man who's handled situations like this before.

Suraj: (intrigued) Who, sir?

Dhruv: (with a knowing smile) He's known for working in the shadows, a ghost in our circles. Maybe he is (whispers) Mary Shelley's 'FRANKENSTEIN'.

[The name hung in the air, heavy with implication. Suraj's eyes widened slightly, understanding the gravity of the pseudonym.]

Suraj: (nodding) Yes sir. I've heard of him.

Dhruv: (serious) He's our best bet. Keep an eye on the factory. Don't let anything slip through our fingers.

Suraj: Yes, sir.

[As Dhruv stepped away to make a discreet phone call, the rest of the team continued their search, the tension in the air growing thicker. The operation now hinged on the involvement of a man whose skills are unparalleled, but whose presence is shrouded in mystery.]


[The time was 5:45 pm.]

[The police vehicles remain parked outside, their lights cast long shadows. Officer Dhruv, stood a bit apart from the rest, dialed a number.]

[In voice call.]

Dhruv: (into the phone) Hello! It's Officer Dhruv.


Officer Dhruv called to whom?

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The Plan Is On: Valor of VeeraWhere stories live. Discover now