seventeen. betrayal, perchance

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The brunette girl was sleeping soundly for the first time since everything that had gone down. She felt at peace, sleeping next to her boyfriend with his arm draped around her waist. He made her feel better, even though some of the trouble she'd faced was because of him. If Rafe hadn't told Barry that they were dating, she wouldn't have been his prime target. But she also would've wondered how he knew. How he "heard what happened."

Emma wasn't thinking about that right now. She was in a calm slumber. In too long of a slumber, because she woke up to Rafe shaking her awake.

"Emma..." He mumbled drowsily, seeming to have just woken up as well. "Wake up, it's twelve."

She hummed, half-asleep as she turned to face him. She stared up at him with half-lidded eyes, as she was slowly drifting back to unconsciousness. "What? Twelve what?" She groaned.

"O'clock. It's noon." He replied.

She woke up immediately and got up, almost panicky. "Shit!" She realized she didn't wake up for the fishing trip with Ward and John B. She was probably in some trouble now, with the man. And John B was already upset with her, so if he knew she was with Rafe, he'd probably get even angrier.

"Woah, what?" Rafe sat up as well as he rubbed his eyes. He didn't know about it, so he didn't understand her sudden panic.

"I was supposed to leave early! Ward told me about this fishing trip thing with John B and I should've left but here I am and I overslept and—" She blurted out quickly, pacing around the room. As she rambled, Rafe walked over to her.

He placed his hands on her shoulders. "Hey!" He called out, raising his voice so she could take a breath. He hadn't even processed anything she'd said because of how fast she spoke. "Calm down. What are you talking about?"

"Before I came over last night..." She sighed, catching her breath. "Your dad invited me to go on a fishing trip with him and John B. And it was supposed to be earlier in the morning. I totally missed it!"

Rafe stared at her with furrowed brows. He felt a pang of bitterness at the fact that the Routledges were going on a fishing trip with his father and not him. He felt so abandoned by Ward. But he didn't want to take it out on Emma. Not his girlfriend that he actually loved.

"I don't think it's that big of a deal." He told her with a small shrug of his shoulders. He really didn't.

"It is that big a deal. He took me out of foster care and this is how I repay him? By not showing up?" She gripped her hair and let out a distressed shriek. "What if John B didn't go?! This is so bad..."

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