Accident (Part 2)

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Abhi was in a meeting while Shub was going through some important files, as they are business partner they work in the same company. *ring* *ring* Shubman phone rang distracting him from his work. He picked up his phone

'Ishh!!♡"  he smiled while looking at the screen. He picked up the call but was welcomed by an unknown voice "Helloo" "Hello yes?" "Are you relative of Ishan kishan Gill" "Yess who's this and why are talking from his phone" he said in such tone that the other side got scared and stuttered "The patient- got into an accident please come as soon as possible also there is another named Mayank Sharma" The nurse who called was in loss of words. "XYZ hospital" the call got cut. Shubman was still in shock as he heard the news.

After a good second, he came in his sense and ran towards the meeting hall where Abhishek was. "Abhii lets go its urgent" he said in one go and left. "Sorry guyss" he also leftt. He ran after his friend who sat in the car. "Kyaa huaa bhaii??" "XYZ hospital fast" "Hospital kyuu??" "Ishan aur Mayank ka accident hua haii" "Kyaa kab kaisee??" "Mujhe nhii pata bas call aaya tha hospital se" Tension was filled in the air, heart was beating so fast that it would come out any second.
Soon as they reached there, they ran towards the receptionist. "Yes sir, how may I help you??" "Ishan kishan Gill and Mayank Sharma" " The patient Ishan Gill is in ot on 1st floor and Mayank Sharma is in ot on 2nd floor" the receptionist said. Thank you, they both said and ran to the lift.

Currently, Shubman was sitting outside the ot waiting for the doctor to come outside. "Its been a hour" He said with a sigh. Whereas, Abhi was waiting for Mayank to wake up as doctor said he was out of danger.
"Shub" Shubman eyes went towards the voice. He saw Rahul and Rohit coming towards him. "Bhaii!!" He said while hugging Rohit. "Shub tu itna careless kaise ho sakta haii huhh, Tune mujhe promise kiya thaa ki tu Ishan kaa dhyan rakhega" Rahul said scolding. "Stop it Rahul see his condition, Don't worry Shub he will be okayy!" Athiya said. "I knoww bhabhii but its been a hour i am scared now" "Naa bhacha he will ok, he is pocket dynamo" Rohit said. Every passing second was feeling like an hour, finally after few minutes the doctor came outside. "Doctor, how is hee??" "You?" "I am his husband" "ohh, he is fine, the glass were pierced very deep but now he is fine, he will be shifted private ward, you can see there him" Doctor said and went. And the nurse also shifted Ishan. He went inside to see Ishan. His eyes teared up seeing him lying like. He sat near him and took his hand in his hand. Slowly, Ishan's eyes started to open, "Shubb!!" He said whispering, this was Shubman's last straw, he broke into tears. "Why are u crying??" "I was scared so scared that I thought I lost you" "Don't cry i am fine see i am talking to youu" "I know i knoww but-" "Its okayy, how is Mayank?? He is fine right??" "He is fine, Abhii is with him don't worry"  "I love you shubb"  he said hugging "I love you too ishh"

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