Rain and Sex

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Itss 18+ ff if you are uncomfortable please skip!!!

Rain plus a cup of tea is pure bliss. Nothing compares the homemade tea same goes to Ishan, who is currently waiting for his boyfriend to come home. He loves the tea made by his boyfriend.
He looked at the time "5:00pm, he is still not home" he texted him.

"Shub where are you??" "Almost there" he kept his phone aside and ran towards the kitchen, he knew the first his boyfriend will need is water.

Ishan and Shubman are boyfriend of 3 years. The most domestic couple anybody has ever seen. Ishan used to work in a cafe and Shubman is a CEO. After coming in relationship, Ishan stayed in the apartment and Shubman works.

The doorbell rang. Ishan opened the door welcoming his tried bf.As they walked inside,he gave him water. He couldn't control himself from hugging him. "How was your day" "As usual!!" He replied and started scrolling. Ishan was frustrated with this because whenever he tried to talk to Shub, he was always on the phone. Soo he decided to teach him a lesson. He left from living room leaving Shubman alone.

"Huhh, he left. Can't he see I am ignoring him" Shubman thought. Actually, he was pranking Ishan to see his reaction. But he himself felt ignore. He walked into the balcony watching the rain, He was mesmerized by the beauty of nature until he got distracted by a voice coming from the bedroom.


He entered the room only to see Ishan. Wait, did I say sexy Ishan like he was wearing Shubman shirt.. white shirt, which was completely oversized for him.. wet hairs were cherry on top. Shubman was hypnotized by the beauty, Ishan definitely knew what he is upto..

"Shubbiee" he said in a seductive voice. "Yess darling" He said while walking towards him. "What would you like for dinner tonight" "Youu!!" He said while grabbing Ishan's waist. "Huhh!!" He was pushed in the bed, while the giant was squeezing him. "Darling you are looking so fuckable, suckable right now!!" Shubman was literally eye fucking him. "Can i?" Ishan nodded. Shubman kissed him passionately. He was sucking life out of Ishan. He slowly moved from lips to his neck. Ishan was moaning loudly. "Babyy ahhh.. ahhh" Ishan moaned. "Yess yess darling say my name baby" "Shubb ahh" Ishan moaned as Shubman was sucking his belly. Rain, thunder and the atmosphere all were helping today. Shubman undressed himself, Ishan was feeling hot just by seeing him. This feeling was not new to him but it never gets old. "I love youu so muchh!!" "I love you too darlingg!!" They kissed.Rain was the witness of their love for each other. "Babyy I will fuck till morning" Shubman said and started fingering Ishann. "Ahh.. ahh..." Shubman was really going wild on his ass. " yess darling say my namee!!" "Shubiee fuckk mee!!" "Your wish my command" He took his large dick and entered Ishan. "Ahhh.." Ishan mkaned feeling all the pleasure. Shubman, on the other side started thrusting the guts out of him. "Ahhh.. ahhh.." Shubman was hitting his sweet spot which was making his eye roll. " Shubb.. ahh... i ammm.... ahh" "Yes yess!! Come for mee darling yess!!" They bothh came. They did it till morning.

"Next time we will have sex in rain"

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