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"Shubbb!!!" Ishan cried his eyes out as his husband was been taken on the stretcher. "Ankhe kholna Shubb please!!" He cried "Mat kar aisa mere saath" The stretcher was finally pushed in the operation theater.

"Ishan!!" Abhishek came as he got to knew about his bestfriend. "Abhii!!" Ishan hugged him.
Ishan: Abhii dekhna woh ankhe nhi khol raha haii, iskoo bolnaa yaar.
Abhi: Ishan shant hojaa please, Shubman ko pata chalega toh wohh mujhe daate gaa please calm down.

Ishan was crying and crying in Abhishek's arm.

How tragic is it, to watch your own husband getting shot in front of your eyes.

After almost 2 hours, doctor came out. Ishan ran towards him.

Ishan: How is he doctor?? He is fine right. He asked with hoping eyes. The doctor slowly took off his mask and said "Sorry!! We couldn't save him!!" Ishan lost his balance, luckily Abhishek was there. "Shubman" he cried. Abhishek couldn't do anything but to comforted Ishan.

Ishan got up and went into the operation theater, only to see his love lying lifeless. He bursted out, as he slowly walked towards the body. Abhishek came behind him, seeing his friend like that made his eyes teared.

Ishan was hugging Shubman's dead body and crying. "Shubiee ankhe khol naa, dekh abhi aur me aaye haii" Ishan spoke in hoarse voice. Abhi came and hugged Ishan and looked at Shubman.

"Abhii dekh naa Shub ko bol baat karne keliyee." Ishan cried and cried. "Ishan woh mar chuka haii aab woh nhi aayegaa wapis" Abhi said departing Ishan from Shubman as the nurse came to take the body. "Abhii nhi nhii" Ishan was trying to hold Shubman. He felt like dying as he saw them taking Shubman away. And everything went black.

"Babyy!! Ishan wake up!!" Shubman said waking his lover up. Ishan, who was crying in his sleep, woke up as his husband shook him. He hugged the man in front of him. "Kya huaa jaan, hmm???" "Shubman!!" Ishan cried.

Shubman comforted him. "Babyy shant shant!!" "Shubie tu okay hai tujhe kuchh hua nhii na??" Ishan asked checking him out. "Babyy i am okayy, it was a nightmare, Sleep now c'mon, we will talk tomorrow" Shubman took Ishan in his arm and made him sleep, Ishan felt so safe that he slept soundly and deeply.

In the morning

Shubman was the first one to wake upp!!! He felt his arms numb, as his squishy baby was sleeping on it. "Babee, wake upp!!" He tried waking him up. "Hmm..." Ishan hummed in his sleep. "Babe, wake up its almost 9" "Huhhh" he quickly got up and looked at his husband. "You are going with Mayank right??" "Yess yess" Ishan said rubbing his eyes. "Aww, my baby!!" Shubman kissed his forehead.

"Shubbieee!!!" He hugged him as he remember his nightmare. "Ishan, ik what you are thinking, its okaay its just a nightmare" "Shubiee yk what I saw??" "What??" Ishan told him the whole thing. "Are jaan i will be fine so don't worry hmm" he ruffled his head. "I know but I am scared"

"Its okayy we are fine, now lets shower or Mayank and Abhi both will throw tantrums to us for being late" he took Ishan in bridal style. "What are you-" he blused. "Lets shower" he smirked

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