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Chapter six


As soon as Adrienne slammed and locked the door behind her, she sat on the edge of the bathtub and cried. She had spent her whole adult life building her reputation to the extent that she received nothing but respect from people. Sebastian came from absolutely nowhere are crushed everything that she had ever worked for. She felt used.

Even though she couldn't deny that last night was the best night of her life, she regrets giving her virginity to him. Sebastian was the devil in disguise who played his role well. He had the worst personality that anyone could ever have, but yet he was breathtakingly handsome.

Adrienne cried hard when she remembered him leaving cash on the nightstand. She felt inferior, like she had just sold her body. She thought what they had meant something, maybe to her, but clearly not to him.

After having a good cry Adrienne got into the shower and had a good wash down. She then dried her self off with a soft towel provided in the bathroom. Before she headed back to the bedroom, she took a quick glance in the mirror and almost died when she saw the amount of hickeys Sebastian had left on her body. Some on her neck, several on her breasts and chest are and a handful on her stomach. He was all possessive of her last night; not once did it occur to her that he was using her.

Adrienne went back into the bedroom. She had noticed that Sebastian did not take the money that he had left on the nightstand. She picked up her dress and underwear from the floor and put them on. She reached for her purse and the money. She had left the money with reception along with a short note, all to be delivered to Sebastian Miller.

On a normal Saturday, Adrienne would spend her morning cleaning her apartment, and then work from home during the day. But today she was in no mood whatsoever to be doing any of that. She just wished that she could see Sebastian one more time so they she could cut his balls off. He was the most ruthless person she had ever come across in her 29 years on the planet.

Adrienne ignored her growling stomach as she walked into her apartment. She went straight into her bedroom, stripped off her clothes and went to her bathroom. Adrienne wanted a nice soak in the bathtub to erase Sebastian's scent from her body. No matter how hard she scrubbed, or how much product she used, his scent would just not budge, and that annoyed the hell out of her.

She eventually gave up. She rinsed her body and wrapped herself in a soft towel that she laid beside the bath. Adrienne went back to her bedroom in search of something to wear. Adrienne settled for some black polka dot shorts and a white tank top. She put her hair in a messy yet very sophisticated bun, and applied some ointments to the hickeys on her body. She gulped down a bottle of water, and climbed onto her bed. She hoped to sleep off her anger and hopefully feel better when she wakes up.

"Leave me alone Evelyn." Adrienne whispered as she snuggled closer to her pillow. She could tell it was Evelyn, her best friend who was attempting to wake her up from her beauty sleep. Evelyn had a key to Adrienne's apartment, and Adrienne had a key to Evelyn's apartment. "Come on you've slept too long. It's the evening already!" Evelyn announced which made Adrienne's eyes shoot open. Taking a quick glance at her alarm clock on her nightstand, she saw that it was almost 7pm. She had overslept. She couldn't blame herself, she and Sebastian found it hard to keep their hands off eachother to the point thay they barely even slept.

"When did you arrive?" she asked Evelyn.
"Two hours ago. You were sleeping peacefully so i jsut thought that i would let you sleep, but i couldn't take it anymore, i was about to die of boredom so i came and woke you up."
"OH MY GOD!!" Evelyn exclaimed excitedly when she noticed the hickeys on Adrienne's neck and cleavage area. She noticed them when Adrienne tried sitting up.

"No wonder you were asleep for ages. I can see that you and Lucas couldn't keep your hands off of each other. Damn, you finally got laid, I'm so proud of you, it's time for you to tell me every detail. Evelyn smiled.
"I never knew Lucas was so possessive, so they hurt at all?" Lilian pointed at her hickeys. Before Adrienne could say anything she gulped down a glass of water that was on her nightstand.
"Lucas and I broke up." She announced sadly. Lilian frowned, "What do you mean, 'broke up'?" she asked with a puzzled look on her face. She thought Lucas and Adrienne were perfect.

Adrienne looked down at her hands and played with a ring on her finger, "It all happened so fast. I went to his apartment to celerbrate my promotion with him, but it turned out that i saw disturbing his date with his new girlfriend." "Honestly i don't blame him for doing so, i never took our relationship seriously, he has been there for me, more than i have been there for him I just kept constantly letting him down. He's looking for someone to settle down with, start a family, and I'm clearly not the one because I'm not ready for that phase yet in my life. So he ended it."
Adrienne looked at Evelyn with tears rolling down her cheek. "You were right this whole time. I acted so carelessly and now I've lost him."

Evelyn took Adrienne's hand and squeezed it to comfort her, and let her know that everything will be okay. Lucas would have been perfect for her. He was rich, handsome, respectful and loving. But her friend was just too obsessed with work that she never had any time for him.

"I can help you talk to him?" She offered Adrienne.
"There is no need. I lost Lucas. And I think it's a responsibility that I should live with. Besides, I want no man in my life anymore." Adrienne burst into tears.

What do you think is going to happen in the future? Do you think Adrienne will truly want no more men in her life? Carry on reading to find out!

𝐎𝐧𝐞 𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭, 𝐛𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐞 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞. Where stories live. Discover now