Chapter 1

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My eyes open and with all the white and bright lights it takes me a moment to register where I am. My eyes finally focus and I recognize... a hospital room? Ah yes...  it all finally comes to me. The man we were fighting hit me upside the head and I didn't sense it.

"Good Morning, you're awake."

I turn to see my master, Obi-Wan Kenobi smiling at me with a steady look on his face, but a frantic one in his eyes. I groan as a headache finally hits me. Obi-Wan leans forward "You gave me quite the scare Vo'ar"

I close my eyes again and hold my head. "I'm sorry Master."

"What we're you thinking?" Obi-Wan gently scolds me. I finch a bit from my hospital bed.

"I wasn't, he was coming for you so I dove. You know, a thank you would be nice" I give him a bit of a side eye from the bed.

He sighs and rubs his brow. After a long pause he looks up. "Thank you Vo'ar." He sighs again looking at me. "I had him though. You need to make wiser decisions. The mistake you made was something a youngling would make. The training is for you to apply in real life. If you can't translate that into-" He cuts him self off from getting too heated and sighs. "I don't even know what I would-"

I cut him off "I was just trying... to keep you from getting hurt. I didn't use the force, I just used my head"

"And that's exactly what I'm talking about. Our training is for those situations. You're my apprentice, my responsibility." He puts a hand on mine and looks down at our hands. I do as well shocked at the gesture. "I don't know what I would do if-" We both suddenly jerk our hands away and breathe out quickly as if we were doing something wrong. Obi-Wan clears his throat.

I shake away the forbidden feelings I get sometimes and they flee at my will like they always do. But... every once in a while, they pop up again unprompted. Like when we're training, when he makes a funny joke, or he compliments me on my improvements, among other things. To where I have to shake them away again.

We don't meet each other's eyes as he begins again. "The doctor said you may have a headache for a couple days but you're cleared to go on missions. I want you to rest tomorrow, but if you still feel up to our peace negotiations mission the day after next, I'd still like you to join me." He looks up at me.

"Of course, Master. I feel fine, just a headache like you said." I say with a small smile.

"Perfect. Rest up Vo'ar. I'll be here to take you home when the doctor discharges you." Obi-Wan states standing up with a smile back.

He starts to walk out but I pipe up before he opens the door "Master Obi-Wan..."


"I-... I would do it again." I speak up with confidence. "I don't regret what I did."

He looks down and smiles then looks up at me shaking his head. "I know you don't. That's why I know you'll make a great Jedi. That's also how I know I have my work cut out for me. We just need to apply that in the right way that doesn't almost kill you and has me worried sick that I just killed my apprentice."

"Yes, Master. I understand... I'm assuming that's what we're working on next training"

"Oh without a doubt. I thought we had this covered but apparently-"

"I get it. You don't have to keep scolding me like a child"

Obi-Wan sighs. "You're right. I'm sorry." He says genuinely. "I'll be waiting for you with the speeder outside." He leaves, seeming frustrated. I absolutely hate that I made him upset. And I'm even more upset that he is upset over me saving his life.

After a little while, the doctor walks in to discharge me, and lets me go. I start to look for Obi-Wan to take me back to the Jedi Temple, and realize that even though everything around the Jedi Temple on Coruscant is close enough for me to walk... the hospital on the far side of the city was not. I sigh as I look around and feel my drumming head with every step I take. As a Jedi apprentice, my funds were quite limited for just living in the city. Luckily I didn't need to hail a taxi.

Illicit Attachment (Obi-Wan Kenobi)Where stories live. Discover now