World meeting part 1

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Ciao, what is up. I never really thought through how addicting Yaoi is and the fact that I read it in public, even at school. I pranced called the police an stuff and almost got arrested. So just read on. Also the cover of the story will Ve updated  shortly after I sketch out.

Russias pov

As me and the girl was trudging to the meeting through snow. I suddenly didnt remember asking her name.
She looked towards the ground wich  looks like she was sulking.

As the wind blew, I couldn't help but just wonder what gave Francis the right to do that. She's  All mine kolkolkol.

"Sunflower, what's wrong?  I can handle on anything that come to me. You see I have this magical pipe that brings pain to all people I in disguise I want to hurt those butches so badly. "

She looked at me horrified (that reminded  me of how bad Englands scones  were, and just the slight fact I found a hair in it.  Nasty)

"mor , Nothing really is bothering me,I was just thinking about the events that past by. It reminded me of those hetalia cracks fanfic novels. But Thats a different story. ",the girl smiled.

When we got to the meeting every country took their places. I sat next to China,America fought with Iggy, Greece doze of in corner, France talking smack,Italy and Romano being quiet, then Spain comes up to me to see if  I can stop the brothers from arguing.

Spain : Na!, How about you do something Russia. You see im a  trying to get this meeting up and running. "

Me :No thanks.Why me?

Spain : Well because, blah blah blah strong and blah blah awesome. So I need you you be hero today.

Prussia:Hey!, no one is as awesome as zeh awsome me !

The albino stood up  in defence .He then started to demonstrate something of the sort. "especially when a man takes a leg upon a chair"

"You know ,about that whole enslaving humanity thing ?" 

Just when Mr Germany was about to speak,the girl stood up.

"Hey!, asino whom gave you the right to talk. Now listen  up ! We need to matey focus on our country's problems and not  in this Dumas's hero America. "

My pov.

Yes certainly America is an idiota.

"Well at least I  try to help slav,i mean save the World. Who are you any way?, never mind that.What crawled up your ass during the conference that gave you such a right to talk! Where is Canada now that I think of it? "


"Canada, my bro. Short has glasses long lushes blond hair like France"

"Matt, he has to be in here somewhere  .I know he is always here",France said.

"Just don't know  how you can miss him. "I looked at Mama.


A aura surrounded him and the hole room turned to him. It appears poor Canada was being squashed by Mama.

"What the hell!,  Mama why are you sitting on Canada "

"Canada who? "

"Don't play with me you bastard! You know Canada. He is Americas brother and France's  son.?"

The Italys both grabbed hands and looked at Russia in terror at what is going to happen next.

Kolkolkol, Oh that Canada.

He smiled and got up from his chair in a slow way. Canada gasped for air and then America came and huge him.

I walked up to Hungary who was a shining her frying pan. I then seen Austria begging  for her to make him some coffee, for he was in a bad mood and in dire need of Starbucks or something.

Me : Miss Hungary I would like to use that fry pan for a moment.

Hungary : Sure, but I might need it later, in case France and that douche Prussia comes.

Me : ありがとう,Thank You

I glare at England and his scones, then at Russia  .

Norway looked at me expressionless, but I can tell  he was annoyed, that Dane Denmark was surely pissing him of. But it's so hard to tell.

"Why can't you all just shut up inferno!, bastard. Let's all just have a normal meeting.! "

Russia stared at me shocked because of my vast use of language.

"Imma so tired"

Basically I have been eating tomato and growing tomatoes. I spent half my hot fay outside  .Sorry didnt update soon.

Russia :I want let you get away kolkolkol

Me : Dude, stop being a asino

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