movie marathon

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TONIGHT ALL THE GIRLS were planning on having a movie marathon of all their favorite horror movies, different from Rosie and Azzi's Christmas movie marathon. They had already had a couple practices in the book and they were all finally free to hang out after being so busy that week. All the girls were going to sleepover at KK and Caroline's dorm that night due to none of them having any early classes.

All the girls were arguing over which movie they should start with, half the girls wanted to start off not so scary and the other half wanted to start off with horrific.

"My favorite horror movie is 500 days of summer." Rosie deadpanned, trying to figure out her favorite horror movie but settling for a joke instead. The whole room laughed at the girl, while agreeing with her at the same time. That movie was far from a cute romance movie, much closer to the horror genre.

Rosie didn't really care which movie they watched as long as she was with her friends. Although, she does get really scared watching these films so she was secretly hoping they would choose something not so terrifying.

But to her secret dismay, they choose The Conjuring. However she was sitting next to Azzi so she felt safe. Rosie cuddled under her fluffy pink blanket that she brought, sharing some with her best friend. In an attempt to be nice, she offered the brunette sitting next to her some of her blanket too. Unfortunately she was given a simple shake of the head and a face that had no emotion on it from Nika.

Rosie still couldn't figure out what she could've possibly done to tick this girl off so much. Instead of dwelling on the frustrating topic of Nika Mühl, she tried to focus more on the movie and her other wonderful friends around her that actually liked being around her.

KK had the fabulous idea of going live while they watched the movies, managing to get everyone in frame. Rosie laughed at the cowboy hat that was put on her a couple minutes after the live started. "Yeehaw!" She smirked at the camera.

Rosie was reading the comments while Paige and Azzi were making all the popcorn for everyone, teasing each other a bunch in the process. There were quite a few comments Rosie had to ignore due to them being quite personal. But she answered a few questions about herself. Kate had actually joined the live and was even asking her questions too like what movie they were watching and asking when Rosie was going to visit her.

"Definitely very soon!" Rosie smiled, thinking back on all her amazing memories with Martin. Another question was asked about how Rosie's nose was doing. "My nose feels a lot better! I've been icing it and stuff, doesn't bother me too much." Rosie shined a bright smile. Something in the back of her mind telling her that if she acted as if Nika never hurt her, that maybe she would begin to like the girl. Eventually Paige and Azzi were able to stop fooling around and the popcorn was finally done.

Azzi passed out the various bowls of popcorn, having every two people share a bowl. She meticulously made Nika and Rosie share a bowl, which Rosie made a mental note to scream at her later for. The atmosphere soon turned awkward between Nika and Rosie as they both kept accidentally reaching into the bowl at the same time causing their fingers to brush each others. Pulling back so quick the bowl would almost fall and spill each time.

They pressed play on the film, but still kept the live on. The comment section was going crazy on how scared the girls looked. They also went insane when they noticed Paige and Azzi secretly holding hands. They could already see the edits now.

There was a huge jump scare that nobody saw coming causing everyone to jump up and grab onto the people next to them. Rosie grabbed onto Azzi and Nika, ending up holding Nika's hand unintentionally. Nika noticed this and held it for a split second before rushing to the bathroom. "That was weird..." Rosie thought to herself.

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