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The Chapter is Unedited, so read at our own risk


3500 WORDS


During their journey, Riya was vibrantly conversing with her father, her laughter filling the car as she regaled him with witty anecdotes and hilarious jokes, each one punctuated by bursts of infectious laughter that echoed through the vehicle.

"Papa, you won't believe what Preeti shared with me during our auto chats," Riya exclaimed from the backseat, her eyes lighting up with amusement. "She tried baking cookies for the first time, but they turned out so hard, she joked that they could break teeth! Haha... Hahaa 😂 seriously, Papa, it was like she was trying to bake rocks instead of cookies! I couldn't stop laughing when she told me. Poor Preeti, she's a disaster in the kitchen!"

Riya's laughter echoed through the car, infectious and unrestrained. Her father's laughter, deep and hearty, mingled with hers, creating a harmonious melody of joy. "Oh, that's hilarious!" he exclaimed between chuckles, his voice filled with genuine amusement. "Preeti always has a way of keeping things interesting, doesn't she?" he added, his eyes twinkling with affection for his daughter.

Riya nodded and continued "Also, Papa, you know how clumsy Preeti can be sometimes? Well, the other day, as we were stepping out of the auto and heading towards home, she was humming a song and dancing a little, like a complete goofball. And guess what? 😂 Haha, hahaha, she managed to trip over her own feet while doing it! I swear, it was like watching a comedy show! 😂 Hahaha, she's lucky she didn't hurt herself too badly, but it was so funny, Papa!"

In between her fits of laughter, Riya added, "She's such a character, isn't she?" Her father, laughing along with her, nodded in agreement, thoroughly entertained by Riya's storytelling.

"And Papa, you won't believe the joke Preeti shared with me today: 'Why don't eggs tell jokes? Because they'd crack each other up!' 😄 I couldn't help but chuckle all day!" Riya exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with amusement as she shared the joke.

In between her giggles, Riya continued, "It's just so clever, right? 😂 Haha!" Her father's laughter joined hers, filling the car with a symphony of joy. "Oh, that's a good one!" he remarked between chuckles.

"Papa listen to this one! Preeti cracked me up with this one: 'Why couldn't the bicycle stand up by itself? Because it was two-tired! 😆' Hahahaha 😂

Her father's laughter resonated with hers, filling the car with warmth and happiness.

As Riya shared her anecdotes and jokes with her father, Reyansh couldn't help but smile, his heart warmed by the sight of their happiness. Glancing at her through the rearview mirror, he listened attentively to Riya's lively storytelling, cherishing every moment of her laughter and vibrant gestures.

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