Our review book is a place to discover your next favorite book! Each review is crafted with care, designed to shine a light on the hidden gems and bestselling bangers that stir our souls and spark our imaginations. Whether you're in search of thrill...
- Book reviews are based on the first ten chapters of your novel. Dedications, aesthetics, etc, will not count. You MUSThave ten written chapters to be reviewed. The only exception to this is if it is a short story. In that case, it must be completed to be reviewed.
- All reviews are completed by members of our team. Be patient with them. They have lives outside of Wattpad. Reviews are done at their own speed. Anyone who tries to rush their review will be banned from our community page.
- Right now, all stories must be in ENGLISHuntil specified otherwise.
- You DONOThave to be a member of the Starlight Community to have our team review your story. We do, however, highly encourage it. Follow our page and join our Discord server (link in our bio) to be a more active member of our community.
- It is not required to follow the team member who reviews your story, but it is highly encouraged. These team members use their personal free time to read and review your stories. They put a lot of work into what they do.
- Currently, we accept all genres.
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- As stated above, reviews are completed by our team members. Each team member has their own timeline of when their reviews will be done. Please do not ask when your review will be completed.
- Anyone who submits a form will be placed on our private review list. Our team members choose the stories they want to review. Just because your story is on our list does not mean it will be reviewed, although we do try to review all submitted stories.
- All reviews are subjective and authors can request a review from another team member if they are not satisfied with their overall score.