Chapter 46 the house of the drug dealer

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RJ's pov

We just stopped outside of Barry's. I noticed JJ just looked at the house, grabbing further and further into the steering wheel. This is not good. If Barry is the one selling to his father, then he has a grudge against him. Which is understandable, but knowing JJ. This is not going to go well.

''hey are you alright?''. I looked to my left and saw Sarah starring at me with soft eyes. ''I'm just worried about JJ that's all'', I whispered. ''that's fair, but I asked about how you are?'', she said as she took her hand and lightly grasped my lip.

I whined a little from the pain. ''sorry''. ''no, no it's fine. It's just a little sore. Don't worry princess. Nothing I can't handle''.

I noticed from the back of my eye, that John B looked at us. I looked at him. ''what are you starring at?''. He smiled at me. ''just at you two lovers''. I narrowed my eyes at my brother. ''you are a creep sometimes''. ''says the one who lured himself into the girl's locker rooms in eight grade'', he remarked.

''you did what?'', Kie shouted. I looked at her, seeing her eyeing me in a bad way. ''to my defence, I didn't want to. It was a dare, and it was originally for JJ, but he chickened out. Cause he already had gotten into some troubles earlier that day. So, I was the one who got it''.

''and you couldn't back down?'', Sarah asked me. ''no because we played it differently. If someone couldn't go with the dare, it went to the next person. They had to do it.''. ''I remember that. Didn't you almost get expelled for that?''.

''yes Pope I did, but luckily my dad got me out of it. I got detention until summer that year. Not fun at all, but better than getting expelled''. I saw John B growing his smirk back. ''well, can't deny you liked it''. ''shut up John B'', I muttered.

I saw Sarah rolled her eyes. ''boys''. ''agree'', Kie backed her up. ''JJ say something dude?'', I asked my best friend.

He didn't answer instead he went out the car, walking towards the house. ''oh boy. What's he up to now?''.

3rd pov

Everyone walked out of the van, following the Maybank boy. ''JJ, man what are you doing?''. He turned around and gave everyone thumbs up before walking straight ahead. ''that dipshit'', John B shook his head at the Maybank boy.

''you know I feel someone should'', Pope gestured for someone to follow the Maybank boy inside the house.

RJ was about to go when his brother stopped him. ''I'll do it this time''. The eldest Routledge boy nodded and let his brother handle it this time.

''man, we gotta have a leash at JJ. He can't be doing some stupid shit like he always does'', Pope groaned.

''dude, it's JJ we talking about. We can't control him. I understand him Pope. I mean you don't even know the half it''. Pope looked at RJ with a raised brow. ''half of what? Enlighten me then RJ''.

RJ looked to see everyone looking at him with questioning eyes. ''doesn't matter. It's not my place to tell, it's JJ's''. ''what are you talking about R?'', Kie asked the boy. ''I-I can't say''. ''why not?''. ''because it's not my secret to tell, it's his'' the Routledge boy snapped at the other's.

''what's not your secret to tell'' a voice said behind.

They all looked at the house. Seeing JJ and John B already out, right in front of them and behind RJ. ''yeah what secret?'', JJ asked. ''apparently yours. So, something you want to share with the rest of us JJ. Or does it only apply to RJ?''. JJ eyes instantly found RJ. RJ didn't meet him.

He looked at Kie and laughed it off. ''oh, it's nothing Kie. It's not even a secret. I do drugs'', he tried to talk out of it.

''is that all?'', John B asked with a hint of worry in his tone. JJ patted his shoulder. ''yep'', he said popping the p.

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