Chapter 1. Arriving.

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The train stopped at it's destination, Oma grabbed her luggage and thanked the driver before getting off of the train. There was a slight drizzle. But it was still humid nonetheless.

As Oma walked through New Orleans, looking for the Apartment she had rented, she walked past a radio station, jazz pouring pouring out of the windows. 'Maybe after working at this speakeasy..maybe I'll be a radio host.' She thought to herself.

She continued to walk until she made it to the apartment, the key nowhere to be seen. With a angry Huff, she began to look..only to find it hidden under a flower pot, with a sigh she unlocked the apartment door.

It wasn't fancy a mansion. It was just right, the furnishing was already nice and neat as well. Although there was some plaster dust, it didn't bother her much though. She could just easily sweep that up in the morning. She set her luggage down before going over to the front door to close it, although there was one thing she had to test, the tap water. She walked into the kitchen, turning on the cold tap..which worked, and then the warm tap..which also worked. With a small sigh she walked over to the couch and plopped down onto it. The cushioning was nice and soft. She sat up and slid her shoes off, setting them down next to the couch before laying down and falling asleep.

10:56am 1921

She woke up on the couch with a groan, rubbing her eyes as she sat up, her gaze fell onto the clock that hung on the wall. "10:56am?" She mumbled to herself. "Guess this couch is more comfortable then I thought.." She murmured with a chuckle. Eventually, Oma got up and stretched, noticing that she was was still in her clothes from the previous day.

She walked over to the corner of the living room, picking up one of her suitcases and unzipping it, she pulled out a nice sky blue house dress that was plaid with a white ribbon on the waist area, she glanced around before going to her room. She hasn't even seen the room yet so this was a good opportunity to see said room, she then went inside and closed the door behind her. Slipping into the house dress before admiring herself in the large mirror that was on the wall. Now she could take in what the room looked like, it had a nice queen sized bed, a was by the bed as well. There was a pot of tulips on a nightstand next to the bed. A rug was in the middle of her bedroom as well. Although..she made a mental note to paint over the dull grey once she got enough money to get paint.

Oma then walked out of the room and into the living room where the rest of her luggage was, she took the suitcase that she left unzipped and dragged it into her bedroom. Once she was inside of her bedroom she began to unpack the suitcase. Eventually, about 15 minutes later she was done. She couldn't help but take one last glance in the mirror..but she kinda regret it since it reminded her of her blinded right eye. "Curse that stove." She mumbled, also glancing at the slight burn mark on her forehead. With a sigh, Oma walked out of the bedroom to grab the rest of her luggage from the living room. One hour later, she had all her clothes unpacked and folded neatly in the drawer in her room.

She then decided to go for a small walk, get some air, that stuff. She walked into the living room and slipped on her nice white flats and her small purse that contained her wallet before walking out of the front door.

Once she was outside, she looked both ways before crossing the road. Once she made it to the other side her walk began. She decided she'd just get something small from a store as a substitute for breakfast..since she was way too lazy.

As Oma walked, she passed by an alleyway, noticing a man harassing a poor woman "Ya' stupid cunt!" The man yelled, making Oma's eyebrows furrow. She glanced inside of the alleyway, watching the scene unfold. The man was verbally abusing this poor girl, who had done nothing to this man.

"Ahem." Oma said, grabbing the man's attention. "What? What're you gon-" She swung at his temple, not hard enough that it was fatal, she glanced back at the woman "Are you alright?" Oma asked softly, the girl nodding in response "Th-Thank you." The woman muttered before Oma helped her stand up. "Don't thank me," She paused "Are you gonna be alright on your own?" She asked softly, the woman nodded in response.

"Yes, I will." Oma gave the girl a warm smile before leaving the alleyway, feeling good about herself. She then kept walking until she made it to the local grocery store, she walked into the store
going into the bread aisle, she should have enough money to at least get some food in her cupboards. She got two loads of bread before heading into a different aisle.

She walked out of the grocery store with three bags of groceries, humming a small tune under her breath as she walked. She continued walking until she got to her apartment, she opened the door realizing she had left the keys at the apartment. "Well it's not like anyone broke in." She thought as she walked in, setting the groceries onto the counter. After setting the groceries down onto the counter, she closed the front door. She had some cleaning to do..not right now though, no, no, no, It was already 12:34am, and she had just gotten back from grocery shopping. Cleaning and stocking up cupboards could wait, for now. Although what couldn't wait was a shower

Reluctantly, Oma got up and walked into her bedroom, getting a towel, a washcloth, a different house dress, and her undergarments before taking all of them with her as she left the room and went into the bathroom. She turned the shower on, nice..warm water, for the first time in forever. After she had the water running for a bit, she slipped out of her house dress before getting into the shower and closing the shower curtain. The nice warm comforting water hit her skin, a hum of contentment leaving her mouth as she wet her hair.

Oma got out of the shower, the cold air hitting her skin, causing her to shudder slightly. She reached for her towel and dried herself off before drying her hair off. She grabbed the undergarments, putting them on before putting the light purple house dress on, it went down to at least her knees, it was long sleeved with pearls at the bottom of it. She personally liked it because it was made out of silk.

She then walked into the living room, plopping down onto the couch. For some reason it just didn't feel like it was still morning. For a while she just stared into nothingness before getting bored..obviously...she thought about what to do.."Oh yeah! The groceries!" She thought before getting up and walking over to the kitchen counter where the bags of groceries were waiting.

Oma had gotten bored after stocking her cupboards so she decided to clean, it was already in the afternoon by the time she was done. Today had been a long day..she headed into her room before plopping onto the bed with a sigh, she didn't care if she fell asleep in the dress she was wearing. It was comfy anyways, she snuggled underneath the nice blanket before slowly falling asleep


Hello! Seems like you've made it to the end of the chapter! Sorry that it's kinda short, future chapters will be longer ❤

Word count: 1315

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