Chap 5. Little things.

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Oma's POV first person:
Tonight..was my first performance. No more being a was finally time! I've been waiting for this day my whole life. I walked up onto the stage.
The music playing on cue.

Been around the whole world.

Still ain't seen nothing like my neighborhood, and of all the fancy satin and silk my white cotton feels so good.

Searched, high and low for a place
where I can lay my burden style..

As I sung, I could tell the people were enjoying the song, which made me happy because it was a song my mother would sing to me when I was younger.
As I looked into the crowd, I noticed Alastor was there. Watching and listening.

Ain't nothing in the whole wide world like the peace that I have found.

For some reason, that made a feeling of proudness pool up in my chest. I didn't understand why, but it just did. Maybe it was because he was this big celebrity and all. But, still. Even if it was for amusement. It was something I could brag to my parents.

It's the little things, it's the little things, and the joy they bring.

The little things, it's the little things, and the joy they bring yeah.

I'm shocked I haven't gotten stage fright, although I shouldn't jinx anything.

Simple as a phone call just to make it known that your gonna be a little late.

Pure as a kiss on a cheek and a word that everything will be okay.

A call in the morning from my little sister singing to me happy birthday.

I thought to myself..'how do I remember the lyrics?' I mentally face palmed as soon as I thought that, well..of course I remember the lyrics, my ma would sing them to me 24/7.

And in for fortune and fame, don't forget about the simple things.

In the little things, it's the little things..and the joy they bring..yeah.

It's the little things..and the joy..

I watched some men eye me up and down, they were checking me out. I didn't appreciate that, I came here to sing, and have fun. Not for the men, that's all right. I won't let that stop me from having fun.

Alastors POV first person:

I watched as Oma walked up on stage, she was wearing one of the dresses that the flapper dancers wear. It hugged her body in every perfect way..although I shouldn't be thinking like this. I know she was the one that had heard me killing that poor, poor, woman.

I needed to kill her, even if she didn't know it was me that killed that lady, I'm not taking any chances. No risks, no nothing. Going to the big house is a pathetic way to end my killings. I'd rather not go there. And if Oma used that brain of hers, she would easily find out it was me that had killed that poor soul. With that being the current situation, I must wipe her face off of this poor, miserable planet we call earth.

The night passed by pretty quickly. I was currently talking to Mimzy and Husker.
Mimzy was chatting and talking about how well Oma sang. I couldn't blame her, If I had the same bubbly personality as Mimzy, I'd be acting the same way if I'm being honest. Eventually, I began to bother Husker when Mimzy left. "Ssooo..old man, why do you just stay here and drink all day?" I hummed with a snicker. Husker didn't face me at first, but when he did I could already see the annoyance on his face. "Well, one. I'm not that old, and two..its my job, kid! You stupid or somethin'? Husker grumbled.

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