Chapt 4. Different.

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Warning! Offensive words and content
Omas POV third person:

Oma was at the speakeasy cleaning up
a nasty vomit mess a man left. She gagged as she cleaned it up, this was supposed to be the janitors job. Not hers,
eventually she finished up, a relived sigh leaving her lips as she did so.

She then left the speakeasy with a sigh, begining to walk the sidewalk. She shivered slightly, it was so hot during the day but there was a chilly breeze during night time. Eventually, she made it too her home, opening the door and entering her safe Haven.

That was until..she heard a knock at the door, of course! Of course..right as she's getting ready to relax, someone knocks at her door. With a scoff, she opened the door. And there..he was. HIM. The man that calls himself...."Alastor, what are you doing here? And how do you know where I live?" Oma said, obviously annoyed and confused.

"Why, I was watching you from dear. You simply were in my line of eye sight and I couldn't help but notice." He said with a subtle shrug. 'Always with those pet names.' She thought. "Aaand..why exactly are you being a creepy stalker?" She asked, annoyed and tired..and in need for a shower. "Why, I wouldn't call it stalking..I think watching would be a better way to describe it."

Alastor said with a smug grin, ticking Oma off. "No, I'd call it stalking. Anywho, your wasting my time. Go so I can go take a shower and head to bed." She said, getting irritated..this man was becoming a nussiance. "But wait! I've barely gotten to kno-" immediately, Oma cut him off. "No. Wait until another 100 years, and then we can talk." She said before slamming the door into his face.
"Okunrin yi ti wa ni gba lori mi nafu."
She mumbled under her breath. (This man is getting on my nerves.) Oma then walked down the hallway and into her room to get a nightgown before heading into the bathroom.

She started the warm water. With a sigh, she looked at herself in the mirror. Before slipping out of attire and getting into the shower. Letting the warm water hit her skin as she stood there for a moment. Letting the mascera and lipstick melt off her face. Eventually, she got out of the shower after shutting the shower off and drying herself off.

Oma then slipped into her nightgown, she didn't want to put on anything underneath. She was living alone anyway so..who was going to judge?

This was..until she heard..ANOTHER knock at the door. Oh boy.

With a Huff, she reluctantly got up from where she was and she slipped on some undergarments, putting the nightgown back on before putting on black stockings to cover up her skin..the best that they could.

Oma opened the front door with a sigh. No one, the neighbors kid..again? That was the fourth time this week and she was beginning to get agitated.

With a sigh, she just decided to not go to sleep at all. And instead..she just plopped down onto the couch with a groan, burying her head into the pillows as she slowly let her gaurd down.


As Oma slowly woke up the next morning..she was met by the bright sunlight, at first it was nice! Until it got into her eyes. With a annoyed groan she rubbed her eyes and blinked before getting up from the couch with a yawn.
She headed into the kitchen, looking for at least a snack to start off her morning. She really didn't wake up with a appetite at all.

Eventually she just decided to eat a muffin and call it breakfast. It filled her up, which was the only thing that mattered at this point. She had no interest in actually trying her best to fulfill her hunger like she should.

There was a knock at her door. "Gah dayum." She mumbled as she opened the door, only to be met eye to eye with Alastor. A frustrated sigh left her lips, she was about to close the door..until that man HAD too say something.
"My dear, unless if I'm wrong do correct me, but didn't you say we could chat in the morning?" He said with a sly grin.
"One, enough with calling me..'dear.' Or
'Darling.' And two, I know I said the morning. But I didn't mean THIS early! Now go away and wait until afternoon, your becoming a nuisance." Alastors smile twitched a bit. "'s just a few simple questions, I'm sure your able to answer them." He said innocently. "Hmm.." Oma hummed, pretending to think. "I suppose..but only for thirty minutes, and then your out."

The buck and the doe. (Human Alastor × OC.) Where stories live. Discover now