Chapter 6. Friends?

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Working on a lil smth 🤭

"Aaand yeah. That's basically what happened." Oma had just got done explaining to Alastor what happened at the supermarket, which was a explanation that Alastor certainly wasn't expecting if he was being honest. He did here the racial things the Makkena had said to her, but not everything else. " to hear that, darling." Was all that Alastor could muster up.
He was speechless, quite literally.

"It's okay, you didn't do anything wrong.
If anything..that spoiled bi-..woman should be apologizing, not you." She hummed, she knew Alastor didn't like it when she swore. So she had to keep her mouth and language in check so she didn't accidentally make him uncomfortable. "Hm..well, would you possibly want some tea?" He chuckled softly when he watched her arch a brow.
She was obviously suspicious, since..y'know you can't really trust anyone nowadays. But, she accepted it..surprisingly. "Suree..but I must watch you make it, just so I make sure you don't poison it." Alastor did feel just a little bit hurt at her words, although he couldn't blame her. If he was in her situation he'd probably do the same thing if he's being honest.

They both headed over to the kitchen, Alastor grabbed the small box that contained to teabags from the cupboard.
He grabbed a mug, filled it with hot water, and put the tea bag in. "See, no poison." He hummed, Oma didn't look as skeptical, but she still stuck around..just in case. Even if all Alastor wanted to do was...genuinely give her some tea to soothe her brain and calm her nerves. Atleast that's how it was for him. Whenever he was mad he'd drink some tea and suddenly he'd feel better again.

Which was nice since he had a endless supply of tea. "You do like mint tea..right?" Alastor said after a moment of awkward silence, She was her chance to tease him. "Well, you might as well make the tea and THEN ask me if I like it." He sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose with a soft chuckle. "Just answer the question." He grumbled, causing her to chuckle. "Alright, alright. Yes, I like mint tea, sweet tea gives my mouth a weird after taste." Alastor hummed in agreement before handing her the mug full of her tea. "There, it's not fully done. But there will be a hint of mint here and there until it's actually tea."

She took a sip of tea, a small hum of enjoyment leaving her lips. "Now I have got to ask, where do you buy your tea?" She glanced at him from her mug, Alastor smirked and simply said.."From that supermarket you tried to go to, speaking of which..what did you need from there? I'll see if I can possibly try and buy it for you." The offer was a hard one to pass..she thought for a moment..she didn't want to be a burden, besides they weren't even friends yet.

"No, it's alright. I'll just wait until tonight." He shook his head and protested further, he insisted on letting her buy her groceries. It was the least he could do, since no one deserves to be treated that way.

"I insist darling, you wouldn't be there for no reason. If you don't get groceries soon..well, you could run out of resources. Which would be bad, obviously." He said as he walked back into the living room, Oma following close behind as he sat down onto the couch. "Yeah but..I just.." He raised a brow as she struggled to find the right words. She took a deep breath before finally saying what she's been meaning to say. "I just don't want to be a burden, y'know? Waisting your money on me, isn't worth it. I promise, I probably won't be able to do anything to pay you ba-" Alastor raised a finger to her lips to silence her. "Nonsense, I don't need to be paid back or anything. It's just a act of kindness to help someone in need, that's all darling."

She sighed and nodded, she sat down on the couch next to him. "Thanks..Alastor, I promise I'll make it up to you." She mumbled as she got up from the couch. "I must be on my way." She set the half way filled mug onto the coffee table before leaving his home. Alastor wanted to reach out..possibly ask if she could stay a little longer, but he held himself back. If she wanted to leave, she wanted to leave. It was her decision..not his.

The buck and the doe. (Human Alastor × OC.) Where stories live. Discover now