Chap 3. The radio host.

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10:46am 1917 New Orleans Louisiana.

Oma's POV:
I was walking through the bustling streets of Louisiana, I decided it'd be a nice morning to take myself out to get breakfast, until I bumped into someone.
"Watch it cotton picker!" He grumbled "M-My apologies." I mumbled, if we were in private. I think I would've cussed him out in Yoruba, but..were not. Unfortunately. Eventually the cafe I was meant to be heading too came into view,
a small squeal left my lips, I haven't eaten out since I had left my parents.
I walked into the cafe, many people were giving me dirty looks, but I didn't care. They can shove it up their ass. A waitress walked up to me "Ma'm follow me, we have your table set up for you."
She said sweetly. At least she wasn't rude and disrespectful, "Okay!" I chirped, sounding like a kid on christmas morning.

As I sat down, I couldn't help but notice a man that kept eyeing me. Hm..the same man from the speakeasy? The same one that was polite to me. "The only man." I thought, although I was a bit confused on why he kept eyeing me. Did I do something? Something on my face what if- "What may I get you ma'm?" The waitress asked, snapping me out my thoughts. "Some pancakes and black coffee, thank you." I said sweetly, the waitress nodded and left my table.

When I went to go glance at the man. We accidentally made eye contact. Shit. Quickly I glanced away, not wanting to look at him any longer. I was becoming paranoid..hopefully I didn't do anything,
maybe it's the way I'm dressed, does he not like my dress? The color of it? Or is it
my blinded eye? I don't know, and it's making me frustrated. With a huff, I looked out of the window. This man was
killing me with just his gaze, and it's getting annoying. Eventually the waitress came back with my pancakes, I thanked her and watched as she walked off.

As I began to cut into them, I noticed that the man was STILL looking at me! Could he stop being such a creep? I wanted this to be fun, I didn't come here to be paranoid! Out of discomfort, I quickly scarfed down the pancakes..not in a gross way, but in a quick enough manner. I set down the 40 dollars and left the store after wiping my mouth.

"Kolo okunrin.." (Crazy man) I mumbled under my breath, that's when I felt a poke on my shoulder. 'WHAT NOW!?'

"MASE BA MI SORO!" I yelled, (don't talk to me) until I realized it was the same man. "What do you want?" I asked sharply. With a damn SNICKER he said
"Well my dear, I couldn't help but notice
how intriguing your right eye looks." He said with a hum, and a smile. 'What? You don't just walk up to a stranger and ask them about a body part...woah-' I thought
"I don't share with strangers." I said coldly "Ah, but surely I'm not a I?" The man asked, 'OF COURSE YOUR A STRANGER!' "I don't even know you! One thing I know, is that your some creepy guy that made me uncomfortable while I was trying to eat."
He snickered..again. "Surely you must know my name?" He asked, that same annoying smile on his face. "No, no I don't. Let me take a guess.." I pondered for a moment, before chuckling.

"Bartholomew?" Right when I said that he went wide eyed with a very annoyed and offended expression..still with that smile though. "What!? Where'd you get that from!?" He exclaimed 'Score Oma! Score!' I thought before answering "I don't know, you just looked like a Bartholomew kinda guy!" I said between cackles. "No, of course not! Since you seriously don't know my name, it's Alastor. Not Bartholomew." He said sternly. I could still tell he was salty about me guessing his name to be that.
"Well, your waisting my time. So I must leave." I said with a huff before walking off. "Wait, I never got your name!" He yelled "It's Oma, that's all the info you need from me." I said as I walked off.

Alastors POV:

I was in the cafe, sipping on my drink. Ignoring well..trying my best to ignore all the audible squeals and looks the women were giving me. It was begining to become annoying I'd say, but it also comes with the job of being a famous radio host. Unfortunately, it was getting rather annoying. But then..the same girl from the speakeasy walked into the cafe.
"Maybe I might get to know her better." I thought..well thought. I watched as she sat down, the waitress taking her order and then walking off. Her eye..the blind one, I needed to know what happened.
Silently, I stared at her, somehow some way for a whole five minutes she didn't even notice me. Until she did. She looked at me awkwardly, it was rather amusing if I do say so myself. The way her expression changed was entertaining.

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