Chap 2. New start.

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(This chapter includes violence and gore!)

It was 8:13pm by the time Oma woke up, just how tired was she? She was currently rushing into the outfit she was assigned with when they hired her to work at the speakeasy, it was a knee high waitress dress, nothing more nothing less. She quickly slipped into her black heels after slipping into her dress, she just slapped some red lipstick and black eyeliner on before rushing out of the door with her purse. She quickly rushed down the streets, bumping into many people as she did so "Ay! Watch where ya going!" A man yelled at her "My sincere apologies!" She yelled back, it wasn't very often that you saw a random woman speed walking the narrow side walks of New Orleans.

Eventually, she made it to the speakeasies door in a alleyway, She pulled her pocket watch out of her small purse "8:28.." She thought, she wasn't late like she feared, which was good. She
knocked on the door "Password?" A man on the other side asked "Oklahoma." The man on the other side of the door hummed in response before opening the door letting her in, she walked into the speakeasy. It was rather vibrant and loud in there didn't bother her too much. She glanced around the speakeasy before noticing a short plump woman in a flapper dress. She quickly walked over to her "H-Hi! Are you uh..are you mimzy?" She asked the short woman "Oh, yes love! See you could make it time." Mimzy chirped. Oma nodded " do I star-" "Right now!" Mimzy interrupted Oma anxiously nodded before scampering off towards some random man's table. "One margarita." The man said, Oma nodded before walking over to the bar. She could feel his sharp gaze on her back.

Eventually, she came back with the mans margarita, handing him his drink. She began to walk off before he stopped her " sure you have a moment right?"
"Disgusting." Oma thought "Oh,, no I don't." She said before trying to walk away, although the man stopped her for the second time by grabbing her wrist. "Come on little lady, a small moment won't hurt ya." He said seductively "S-Sir..if you don't stop, I'm going to have to alert security." Luckily, the man was clever and with a scoff..he let Oma go.

Oma walked off to another table with a sigh. Jeez, what was up with people? She walked to a different man's table, silently praying that this guy would be different, and to her luck he was.

"Hello, sir. What may I get you?" She asked softly, "Just red wine." The man said, Oma nodded before walking off to the bar again and getting what he asked for. She walked back over to him and handed him his glass of wine. "Thank you ma'm." He said politely Oma nodded before walking off "Maybe not everyone in this place is vile.." She thought as she continued to tend to other people.

It was 1am in the morning by the time she left the speakeasy, it was long night of trying to shake off pervs and be productive at the same time...she tiredly began to walk back to her apartment. Yawning as she did so, eventually she made it back and unlocked the door with her keys. She stumbled into the house, closing the door with her heel before slowly walking into the kitchen to set her purse down onto the counter. With a sign she slipped her shoes off and neatly placed them in front of the door, Oma then headed upstairs and into her bedroom, closing the door behind her. She plopped onto the bed before taking her socks off and laying down. She then realized that she had to take her waitress dress off, she slipped out of the dress with a sigh before actually laying back down. She was too tired to change into a night gown or anything. So she just decided she'd sleep in her undergarments.


Oma was tossing and turning. She couldn't sleep, she couldn't help but dream about that vile man she met at the speakeasy. How he even laid a finger on her, he even sounded weird. Touching a woman without her consent?
How dare he, some men in this world just didn't deserve to live. Eventually, from all of the tossing and turning..she woke up with a groan, this was getting on her nerves. She was tired after a long day at work. Can't a lady just get her rest? She lazily sat up and swung her legs over the edge of the bed, with a sigh, she reluctantly got up and off of the bed, stretching with a groan as she did so. She slowly and groggily stumbled out of the room, barely being able to tell where she was going. Eventually she made it though the hallway and into the living room, pressing the button that turned the light on, the room soon filled up with light. She blinked her eyes many times to adjust to the light, feeling like her eyes had been attacked. Eventually, she got used to the light and she walked over to her fireplace. After she lit her fireplace, she walked over to the bookshelf to grab a book.

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