Part 13

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Before we went out with Olivia, while I was still in my room, I got a text from Joost:

Before we went out with Olivia, while I was still in my room, I got a text from Joost:

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My heart lit up with warmth. I love when he calls me that.

I met with Olivia and said, "Hey, so is it okay if Joost and Marko join us?"

"Yeah, it'll be way more fun," she replied.

"Joost said they'll get finished at 19."

"Sounds good to me. Let's go," she said enthusiastically.

We left the hotel and headed towards the bar near the arena. The weather was pleasant, with a light breeze that made the evening walk enjoyable. As we walked, Olivia and I chatted about our week. It's always nice to talk to her.

After around 20 minutes of walking, we reached our destination and walked in. There was still some time until we were supposed to meet Joost and Marko, so we both ordered martinis and sat down at the bar. The place was more like a nightclub, with a DJ playing energetic music and people already on the dance floor.

Tomorrow was the first semi-final, and since Joost was in the second, we had the day off. This meant tonight was the perfect opportunity to let loose and have some fun.

"Let's get drunk," I said with a grin, wanting to make the most of the evening.

"Whatever you say, girl," Olivia replied, equally excited. She turned to the bartender and said, "Bartender, another," pointing at her drink.

A few more drinks later, the alcohol had given me a surge of confidence. The boys still hadn't arrived, but I was feeling the rhythm of the music and the buzz of the drinks.

"Liv, let's go dance," I said, my voice full of excitement.

"Oh no, you go. I'll stay here and watch," Olivia replied with a laugh. She wasn't as drunk as I was, preferring to stay by the bar and enjoy her drink.

Without further hesitation, I made my way to the dance floor. The music was infectious, and I quickly found myself lost in the beat, moving freely and without a care. I was swaying my hips, moving my arms and not caring what was happening around me. The colorful lights flashing around the room added to the exhilaration, creating a vibrant atmosphere.

As I was dancing, I felt someone standing so close behind me that our bodies were touching. He hugged my waist and whispered in my ear, "Hello, stranger."

I turned my head and saw Joost smiling at me. "Joost, you scared me," I said, my surprise quickly melting into a smile.

"I'm sorry. I was watching you dance," he replied, his voice soft and warm.

I turned around so I was facing him and put my hands on his shoulders. He was still hugging me at my waist. The club lights flickered across his face, highlighting the sparkle in his eyes.

"Watching me, huh?" I teased, moving closer .

"Couldn't resist," he said, pulling me even closer. "You're mesmerizing."

"Oh really" I moved so close to him our foreheads were touching

"You really are" And he turned his head sideways leaning in to kiss me.

Just then, Olivia appeared beside us.

"You two lovebirds having fun?"

"The best," I replied, still holding onto Joost.

"Great, because Marko and I found a table. Come join us," Olivia said, gesturing towards the corner where she and Marko had settled.

Joost and I broke apart but kept our hands together as we followed her. We all sat down at the table. The drinks kept coming. We took rounds of shots laughing and enjoying the lively atmosphere.

"Julia, wanna go outside grab a cig?" Joost asked

"Yeah, I don't see why not" I replied

We got up from the table. Olivia and Marko seemed to be getting along well, so we left them and walked outside. The cool night air was refreshing after the warmth of the club. We found a quiet spot a little away from the entrance, where we could still hear the rhythm of the music.

Joost pulled out a pack of cigarettes and handed one to me before lighting his own. The nicotine mixing with the alcohol buzz to created a pleasantly light-headed feeling. Joost inhaled, then leaned to down to me and blew smoke into my opened mouth. It felt intimate, and I couldn't help but smile at the playful gesture.

"You're something else, you know that?" I said, exhaling the smoke and giving him a teasing look.

"I try," he replied with a grin, taking another drag from his cigarette.

We stood close, the world around us fading. Joost's hand moved to my waist, pulling me closer. He looked down at me. Slowly, he leaned in, and our lips met in a soft kiss. It started gentle, but soon deepened as we wrapped our arms around each other, losing ourselves in the moment.

His hands moved to my face, tilting my head slightly to deepen the kiss. I responded eagerly, my fingers tangling in his hair.

Our breathing became deeper as the kiss grew more passionate. Joost's hands moved from my face down to my waist, pulling me even closer. I could feel the warmth of his body against mine, his heartbeat matching mine. I pressed myself against him, feeling the intensity of our connection.

Joost's lips left mine, trailing kisses along my jaw and down my neck. I let out a soft sigh, tilting my head back to give him better access. His kisses were gentle but intence, each one sending a shiver through me.

I ran my hands down his back, feeling his muscles tense under my touch. I pulled back slightly.

"Maybee we should go back to the hotel" I offered, my voice slightly breathless.

Joost looked at me "Yeah, that sounds like a good idea," he agreed, his hand reaching out to gently brush a stray strand of hair away from my face.

"Let's go back into the club to say goodbye and grab our stuff"

"Let's go" He took my hand and led the way.

We walked back into the club, the music still pulsing through the air, and made our way to our table where Olivia and Marko were chatting.

"Hey guys, we're gonna take off," Joost announced as we approached.

Olivia and Marko looked up "Already? " Olivia exclaimed

"Yeah, we want to get some rest before tomorrow," I said while looking up to Joost and smiling at him.

"Mhm. Rest. Sure" said Olivia while giving me a smirk

"Well, it was great hanging out with you guys tonight." Marko said

"Definitely," I agreed

I took my bag and we both walked out of the club.

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