PSA: First Person Tutor

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The scene takes place at Blood Gluch where Y/N, Ash, and Washington are at a boot camp training ground.

Y/N: Hi, I'm Y/N Rose from the new recent story called The Silver Eyed Armored Hero: the combination of Halo, RWBY, and Red vs Blue.

Ash: I'm Ash Church from the same book, and this is Special Agent Washington. Also from the same book.

Washington: Thank you. Now with games like Halo Infinite or Helldivers bringing people back into the world first-person and third-person shooters, we at Blue Team have put together a little Bootcamp to teach you how to be better and to work as effectively and efficiently as if you were a soldier and dominate matchmaking.

Y/N: The same goes for me and the Red Team. Cause, you know, both Reds and Blues need to learn how to survive when it comes to fighting aliens, monsters, terrorists, robots, zombies, gods, and so on.

Ash: (mutters) And somehow the idiots are still alive. 

Sarge: (comes in) Oh, har-dee-sarcastic-har. Blue Team's men have been dropping like flies for years. (turns to the readers) Now you listen up, kids, and I'll teach ya how to actually be better at a shooter!

Ash: Sarge, we've been over this.

Washington: Ash is right. Your... "spirit", is appreciated. But this is really supposed to be by-the-book.

Ash: And we mean, "UNSC by-the-book."

Sarge: I agree. By-the-book. My book! The Art of Conflict: How to Keep a One-Sided War Going for Way Too Long! Coming soon exclusively to brick and mortars!

Sarge turns and notices Y/N, Ash, and Washington are gone.

Sarge: Hey, where'd you go?

Later, Y/N and Washington were standing infront of a makeshift obstacle course meant to simulate a war zone or some kind of battlefield.

Washington: First things first. Let's talk about moving around the battlefield. When approaching a potentially hostile area, always proceed carefully. And don't be afraid to post up and wait it out.

Behind them, Ash, Carolina, and Tucker were moving through the obstacle course as if they were a tactical special forces unit. Ash wa sun the front, Carolina was in the middle, and Tucker was in the back.

Ash: Tucker, watch our six.

Ash peeked around one of the walls and gave a hand signal for Carolina to advance to the next piece of cover. Doing a check before giving the all-clear.

Carolina: North side is clear. Move up.

The two males move past her with her joining at the back.

Y/N: When it comes to infiltrating enemy territory, be as quiet as you can while using hand gestures so you won't accidentally alert any enemy forces.

Tucker: (whispers) No enemies at the corner.

The three blue team members stacked up at a makeshift doorway. Tucker was on side and Ash and Carolina were on the other.

Ash: (whispers) Alright. Tucker, on my signal, throw a flash bang. Ready?

Tucker: (whispers) Got it!

Y/N: And if you're gonna do a breaching, make sure to use the right equipment for the job.

Carolina switched out her battle rifle with an M90 Shotgun. Racking the weapon and nodding to the soldiers.

Ash: (whispers) Three, two, one... breach.

Tucker throws a flash grenede through the door and as it exlpodes, relesing a flash of light. Carolina moved from her spot and she was the first one through the doorway with Ash and Tucker taking the sides with their weapons drawn. They completed the drill.

The Silver Eyed Armored Hero: RWBY x RVB x Male reader x HaloWhere stories live. Discover now