PSA: Cyber Insercurities

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The scene takes places with Jackson, Simmons, and Lopez outside at Blood Gulch.

Simmons: Hi, I'm captain Dick Simmons from the recent and virus free book: The Silver Eyed Armored Hero. And this is Lopez.

Jackson: And I'm Jackson Hunt from the same book.

Simmons: Today, we're to talk to you about the only protection you need in this modern day and age: Cyber security.

Grif: (comes in) Hey dickheads! What'd you do? I'm trying to get into the base's wifi and it keeps telling me I have the wrong password.

Jackson: Simmons put a new password on it per my instructions.

Simmons: I changed it into something more secured.

Grif: More secured than password123?

Simmons: Did you know that just the word 'password' is the eighth most used password in the world?

Grif: Uh, yeah, I did. That's why we added the one, two, and the three.

Jackson: You should make a password you will know by heart and impossible for others to guess. 

Simmons: A good password includies a random combination of letters, numbers, symbols, ancient egyptian hieroglyphics, a few strings of morse code, small piece of ascii art, and at least one haiku. The less likly you are to remember it yourself, the better.

Jackson: That doesn't sound right.

Grif: Whatever. Oh, and FYI? Your new changes kicked Lopez off the cloud.

Grif exits as Lopez got shut down and fell onto the ground.

Jackson: Oops.

Then Simmons and Jackson are at Red Base.

Simmons: Provided that you have a strong enough password to keep those pesky PC pirates out, you may think you're completely safe, right?

Jackson: That's where your wrong. Hackers will always try numerous attempts to find your password and hack into your computer networks and servers.

Simmons: Even with a strong password, just things you willinly download could still contaon computer contaminants. The best way to prevent this is to install a firewall, which could be rrpresented by this literal wall of fire I've constructed all around the entrances to the base.

A wall of fire appears at the entrace of the Red Base where Simmons and Jackson are.

Jackson: Simmons, isn't this overkill?

Simmons: Don't worry, it's perfectly fine. You see, with this firewall active, we can still send good things out into cyberspace. Like my firefly fanfiction script: "Yes Serenity".  But we can also block bad things, like all those mean comments callong my script a bad typo.

Jackson: And make sure your firewall is very encrypted. So hackers can't break pass it.

Grif comes to see the firewall.

Grif: Hey guys, what the hell is going on?!

Jackson: Not my idea to do this!

Simmons: What's that, Grif?! We can't heard you through my super awesome firewall!

Grif: Cut the shit and let me into the base! I'm in the middle of catfishing Tucker, and I need to send him some photos of your mom!

Jackson: Simmons, how about-

Simmons: Sorry, you're gonna need the password to get in!

A pannel appears in front of Grif.

Grif: Well what's the password?!

The Silver Eyed Armored Hero: RWBY x RVB x Male reader x HaloWhere stories live. Discover now