IV: Dinner With The King

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"Sea," Malik called as he entered the house.

"My lord," Sea said from behind him. Malik handed him his suitcase.

Malik wasn't surprised at his butler's sudden appearance. Sea had a knack for being exactly where he was needed.

"How's Hadassah?" Malik asked.

Sea's expression became worried. "I haven't seen her since breakfast, my lord."

Malik frowned. "Didn't she eat lunch?"

"She didn't come out. I knocked at the door but she didn't respond. I didn't want to overstep boundaries."

Malik nodded at Sea's respect for his wife. He trusted Sea more than he did anyone, even Isaac.

Speaking of Isaac...

"Isaac would be coming for dinner. Did you tell Hadassah about the dinner?"

"She said she'd be present."

Malik smiled softly. He didn't think she would break her promise.

"Good." He began to walk to his office until Sea cleared his throat. Malik turned around. "Is there a problem, Sea?"

"Lady Hadassah's breakfast was missing something," Sea said.

Malik frowned in confusion. His kitchen boasted all the finest cuisines in the country. What could Hadassah want that it didn't have?

"And what is that, Sea?"

"She wanted a cappuccino."


"From an espresso machine."


That was something he didn't have. No one, not even the staff in his house, drank anything but coffee.

"Get her an espresso machine then."

Sea's expression turned amused. "I don't know how to make cappuccinos. Besides, the order might take a few days to arrive."

Malik's eyes narrowed at Sea's amusement. Sea and a few other staff had watched him grow up, hence they teased him endlessly.

"Get her an espresso machine, Sea and learn how to make cappuccinos before tomorrow's breakfast."

Sea bowed. "Of course, Master Malik."

Malik huffed and stomped to his office to get in a little work. At half past six, he went down to the dining room where he saw his friend already running very quickly through a bottle of wine.

"Issac." Malik snatched the wine bottle. "What have I told you about getting drunk in my house before dinner?"

"I'm not drunk," Isaac whined as he tried over Malik for the wine bottle.

Malik slapped his hand away the his head. "Quit acting like a child. You're a guest here."

"Since when have I been a guest?" Isaac's eyes widened suddenly. "Unless our beauty goddess is coming for dinner."

"Say that again and I'll have you thrown out of my house."

Isaac groaned. "Why didn't you tell me? She needs to meet me at my best."

"If I didn't know any better, I'd say you were trying to seduce my wife."

A grin slowly formed on Isaac's face. "Do you know any better?"

A wave of annoyance slammed into Malik. He grabbed Isaac's left collar. "On second thought, maybe you shouldn't be here."


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