VII: Scaring the Queen

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Malik had been walking for longer than usual. The soothing exercise of taking a walk around the Persia house every other week did not have its usual effect. Instead, his mind was bombarded with thoughts about his wife. What baffled Malik was that he welcomed the intrusion.

Over the past few weeks, his thoughts about Hadassah had shifted from his desire for her to wondering how she was faring and what she was doing at any point in the day.

Malik wasn't naive enough not to realize that he was beginning to care for her beyond mutual acquaintances. Random things at the office or on the road reminded him of her: the sun, the smell of morning coffee, pineapples, even movie posters. At that moment, the white orchid garden reminded him of the dress she wore the morning before he left home on his trip.

He trailed his hand across the nearest flower. A faint rueful smile crossed his features.

Any man who desired his wife would take her as he pleased. At least, that was what his father would have done.

Why did he hesitate? He could make her enjoy it. He was mostly sure she would warm up to him after that.

Do you really want a relationship built on your desire? What if she isn't open to your advances?

That was what Sea told him after he voiced out his thoughts. Hence, every now and then, Hadassah's terrified look from the night they met would flash behind Malik's eyes to ground him.

He had to find a way to win her over.

He groaned as his mind came up blank.

"All your years of experience with women and you have nothing when it really matters," Malik muttered to himself. "They told you money could get you everything and you believed them. You fool. Now, you're still single even as a married man."

How could he not be able to get the one thing that he could sacrifice everything for?

A sharp sound interrupted his trainwreck of thoughts. Malik turned to glare at the pebble that had fallen closer to his feet. Moving his head upwards, he saw a pair of feet instead.

"H-hi. Are you busy?" she said.

Malik couldn't think up a reply. All his attention was on her long hair swaying in the breeze.

He had probably stared at her too long because after a while, she muttered, "This was stupid," and turned around to walk back into the manor.

Malik moved before he realized what he was doing. "Please, don't go."

Hadassah stilled and glanced at Malik's hand wrapped around her wrist. Malik followed her eye's movement and immediately let her hand go.

He cleared his throat awkwardly, trying to prevent excitement from seeping into his voice. "So why did you suddenly come?"

Hadassah's thoughtful expression became guarded. Malik could no longer tell how she was feeling.

She raised a picnic basket as a response to Malik's question.

Oh. So she didn't come to see him.

"You're just having dinner? It's a little late."

The last time Malik had checked the time, it was a quarter past eleven. It should be well past twelve.

She shook her head, drawing Malik's attention to her curls as they bounced around. He almost didn't notice the basket being thrust in his direction.

"It's for you," she muttered. "Sea said you were back from your trip. I guessed you hadn't had a homemade meal in a while so I thought to pack some for you."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02 ⏰

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