V: Hiding from the King

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"Sea, Sea," Hadassah whispered through a little creak in her door, truly hoping that he was outside.

"Yes, my lady?"

Hadassah jumped a little in the air before she thrust a piece of paper in his direction. The creak in the door lessened in size the longer Sea read.

"A Bible, my lady?"

Hadassah risked a glance at his slightly puzzled expression. "I need it. It's been days and I'm not with my phone."

"Alright. I do wish you had informed me about this earlier. You wouldn't have had to go without," Sea said and tucked the list of items she had requested into his pocket.

Somehow, all her belongings had arrived except her book bags, prayer things and electronic devices. After much thought earlier, Hadassah decided that it wasn't a coincidence. Her family had been against her independent, educated person. They probably saw it as an opportunity to strip her of the things they didn't like and the Hadassah they knew would rather chew her hair than ask anyone for anything, much less the husband she didn't want to marry. However, the Hadassah they knew was somewhere in Italy in the church she had chosen to be born again.

"Forget that. The important thing is if you can get them for me-" Hadassah poked out her head to look left and right to check if anyone was listening. "-possibly without your master knowing."

Sea pursed his lips. "It's improper not to screen your needs by Master Malik as the head of the Persia house and as your husband."

Hadassah frowned, her moment of weakness playing in her head. She could remember not being able to get up and Malik carrying her to her room. She had come for that dinner to negate his first impression of her, to show him that she was fearless but look how that turned out.

Her dignity had taken a hit and she needed time to heal. Giving Malik a list of basic things she needs like her phone or textbooks does nothing for her dignity. To her, it only showed the level of power Malik had over her. After her few years of independence, Hadassah didn't like it at all.

"Okay fine. Just don't present me like some helpless damsel in distress."

Sea smiled. "Of course, my lady."

Hadassah made to close the door but Sea's hand darted out as if to stop her then returned hastily to his side.

"It's just... You've not come out of your room since dinner two nights ago. There are many places in the house for you to see and things to do."

Hadassah glanced at Sea who was rapidly talking as if willing to do anything to convince her to leave her room.

"Did your master send you to tell me this?"

"He doesn't know about this conversation."

Hadassah raised an eyebrow. "For now."

"For now."

"Can you be discreet this once?" Hadassah asked.

Sea bowed. "Of course, my lady."

"The truth is...I don't like this...want this..." Hadassah gestured around the space around her. "Anything about this situation. I don't want to be here with a man I don't know in an unfamiliar location."

Sea's expression crumpled for a second. "Oh."

Hadassah sighed. "I know he's your master and you both seem like nice gentlemen but maybe I'm not suited to be the lady of a house. It wars with my ideals."

Sea didn't reply for three heartbeats. "What kind of marriage did you want, my lady?"

Hadassah smiled faintly. She knew her dream relationship was unrealistic given her circumstances but she'd always wanted- "A college sweetheart. An intellectual who would share my passion for my work and would go with me when I wish to hop around the world. Someone who wouldn't mind having children early. A nice gentleman, not too rich that it draws attention. Someone warm."

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