Desire - II 🌶️ 🌶️🌶️

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For so long, I have waited
So long that I almost became
Just a stoic statue, fit for nobody
And I don't wanna get in your way
But I finally think I can say
That the vicious cycle was over
The moment you smiled at me

And just like the rain
You cast the dust into nothing
And wash out the salt from my hands
So touch me again
I feel my shadow dissolving
Will you cleanse me with pleasure?

Rain - Sleep Token

Seeing the sensual sight of her flushed body, Erwin's body heated up at an alarming rate. He reluctantly, moved away from her and hastily unbuckled his belt. After removing his clothes, he ascended upon her.  Hearing the sound of a belt bucket drop to the floor, she peered to see what was going on. In a fully aroused state, his immensity was beyond her comprehension.

She watched as drops of sweat trickled down the ridges of his abdomen. His emerald bolo tie hung loosely on his chest. His well sculpted body never fail to made her heart skipped a beat. He slipped between her legs and began to trace his lips from her collarbone up to her ears. Their gaze locked as he moved his face closer to hers.

"Now be mine..."

In contrast to his sweet words, his expression was hardened as he finally managed to find his way into her. He maintained eye contact with her as he carefully fought his way in.

"Ohh." Startled by the sudden intense pressure, she drew a sharp breath. She let out a whimper as a mild discomfort started to rise. In an attempt to ease her pain, he planted a kiss on her lips and soothed her.

"Just a little more..." He ran a gentle hand across her sweat-slick thigh. 

"Please loosen up a bit..." He said, his face contorted as if he was in excruciating pain.

It felt like a year had gone by before he was finally in place. He paused for a moment to allow her to adjust to him. Being completely filled by him, she became aware that she might not be able to handle him after all. She bit her lip to get through the slight discomfort.

Her body, however, knew just what to do. The discomfort began to subside once she had adjusted to him.  He slowly began to thrust inside her, and there it was, the sensation they had never experienced before.  His godly masculine and her divine feminine forces are intertwined.

Is this Heaven?

Her mind was all over the place. She wrapped her arms around his neck so she would not be detached from reality.

"Did I hurt you?"

"Not...anymore..." She said, gasping.

"Good. We haven't started yet" He smirked.

"Hold me tight."

He began to pick up his pace. Thrusting farther and farther inside her, just to retreat and push back even more deeply and forcefully.

"Oh, Commander." She stifled a moan.

"Don't you know my name?"

"Call me by name." His order was firm but gentle.

"Er...Erwin" Her voice cracked from the perch in her throat.

He was provoked by the way she called him and the way she obliged to his actions.  Grunting, he wrapped his strong sinewy arms around her waist. He fought his way in faster and harder. As if that was not enough for her, she drew him ever deeper into the end of her. Y/N had never witnessed him displaying any other emotion before. Being able to satiate his desire made her feel proud of herself. Yearning for him, she embraced and caressed every part of his body.

They had both become addicted to the pleasures and forces that bonded between them. Every move he made sated her body's thirst, and every sound she uttered caused him to punish her even harsher. If they could stop the passage of time, they would but time never stops for anyone, not even for souls that the universe has aligned to be together.

Every time he hit her deeper in the most tender parts, she experienced a sensation beyond comprehension, unlike anything she had ever felt before. It caused a thousand tiny effervescent to slowly burst across her skin. Y/N felt her entire body tensing up. In an attempt to endure the intense pleasure, she was tugging at the bed sheet.

"Erwin I can't..." She started pleading with him, not knowing how to handle what was coming.

His lips were pressed against hers before she could finish speaking.

"Surrender to me."

He whispered his final command, then released his last force, engulfed himself in pleasure. Theirs body tensed up as they being flooded with waves of pleasure. A hot mess ecstasy swept over them. The sound of heavy breathing echoed across the room. Panting, he lay his head on her chest, listening to her heartbeat through her burning skin.  She stroked his golden hair that fell on his damp forehead.

Suddenly he raised his head and posed a question that had been on his mind.

"You haven't told me why you are nervous." He asked while stroked her cheek lovingly.

"Oh... that...because..." She turned away from him in embarrassment.

"You are my first."  She could feel the satisfaction flashed in his eyes. He grinned with and brought her hand up to his lips.

"Well, that makes both of us."

"That is hard to believe." She did not believe what she had heard was true.

"Why is that?"

"Well, every woman inside the walls wanted you."

"Is that so?" He gave an incredulous laugh. He was unable to believe a word she uttered.

"Well, I know that every man inside the walls would want you too." He teasingly pinched her reddened cheek.

"That's not true at all!" She protested.

"All I know is that I only want to be yours." After objecting him, her voice softened. Hearing her cute remark made his heart swell with pure joy.

"And I... only want you to be mine."

He raised her chin and planted a kiss on her lips. The fact that he could kiss her whenever and as often as he pleased delighted him. He lay down and took her in his arms.

Suddenly, they heard the commotion in the hallway.

On the other side of the door, Levi was cleaning up the muddy hallway.

"Seriously, no one ever cares about cleaning up..."

"Tch, how many times have I told them to clean up after their messes?"

"Ah, Levi stopped with the nagging." Hange said as she watched him carefully scrub the dirty floor.

"All of them have no brains. They are worse than a Titan."

"Hey Levi, speaking of which, I've never witnessed Erwin show such intense concern for someone. Let alone turned around and went to save them."

"Do you think he is a changed man after all?"
Levi said nothing in reply. Deep in her contemplation, Hange walked on the freshly mopped floor by mistake.

"Four eyes! Get you filthy shoes away from the clean floor!"

"Ah I am so sorry Levi!"
"Now come over here! pick up the damn mop and help me clean!"

As they listened to Levi and Hange quarrel in the hallway, they both smiled and made an effort to keep quiet.

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