The Sacrifice - II

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Finally, Y/N found herself alone with her Commander. She quietly pulled a chair close to his bedside, taking a deep breath as she sat down. The room was filled with the steady rhythm of his breathing, a comforting reminder of his presence. Yet, as her eyes adjusted to the dim light, her heart sank at the sight before her. His right arm was bandaged, but the fabric was stained with dark, dried blood that clung to the gauze in ominous patches. The blood had turned a deep crimson, an unsettling reminder of the battle he had faced. 

As she sat there, a wave of sadness washed over her. Memories they shared felt like a distant echo in the sterile room. She clenched her fists, fighting back tears as a crushing sense of helplessness enveloped her. The thought of his pain twisted in her chest, and she wished desperately to take it all away. Each labored breath he took felt like a dagger to her heart, a reminder of the fragility of life, and the weight of uncertainty loomed heavily in the air.

The loss of his arm—a part of him—was a grim reality that weighed heavily on her heart. Y/N's breath hitched in her throat as she struggled to process how horrible he looked, so vulnerable and wounded. The scene made her chest tighten with anguish. Determined not to let her emotions overwhelm her, Y/N resolved to stay strong. The last thing he needed was to see her despair. She could not allow her fears to seep into the space between them, not when he needed her support more than ever.

With tender care, she took his remaining hand in hers, feeling the warmth of his skin against her palm, a small comfort amidst the horror of his injuries. She gently pressed it to her cheek, closing her eyes as she absorbed the moment, wishing she could transfer her strength to him. A soft kiss followed, lingering as if hoping to convey all the words her heart longed to say. 

"I love you." She whispered, her voice barely above a breath. 

"Please... come back to me." Her words hung in the air, a plea filled with hope and desire for his recovery. She knew he was a fighter, and she clung to that belief fiercely, willing him to feel her love and draw strength from it.

Tears threatened to spill from her eyes, but she fought to keep them at bay, knowing he needed her to be strong. She stayed there, holding his hand, finding solace in the rhythm of his breathing, the bond between them unyielding even in the face of devastation. The silence wrapped around Y/N like a heavy blanket, the only sound breaking through was the distant echo of footsteps approaching the room.

"Miss Y/N, we don't have enough blood. I'm going to need yours immediately!" The nurse said, urgency threading through her voice like a taut wire. Y/N nodded, her heart racing as she squeezed Erwin's hand one last time. 

"Follow me, please." The nurse instructed, her expression grave. As they walked through the dimly lit corridor, Y/N felt the weight of uncertainty pressing down on her chest, each step echoing the gravity of the situation. When they reached the treatment area, Captain Levi was already there, his sleeve was rolled up. His expression was a complex tapestry of determination and disapproval, his dark brows furrowed in concern. Yet, in that moment, there was no time for argument, the urgency of the mission overshadowed personal feelings. They needed to save the Commander, and every second counted. Levi's gaze locked onto Y/N, a silent challenge lingering between them. He understood the risk, but he also recognized the necessity of her sacrifice. 

"Are you ready?" He asked, his voice steady, though the tension in the air was noticeable.

Y/N took a deep breath, steeling herself. She nodded, her resolve hardening. The stakes were high, and she knew that within the confines of this room, destinies were intertwined, hanging by the thinnest of threads. She settled into a large, comfortable chair, the soft armrests cradling her as she braced herself for what was to come. The moment felt heavy, laden with uncertainty and urgency. 

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