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The next day, the wedding took place, everything went smoothly, with no problems whatsoever.

the happy couple exchanged their "i do"s and their heartfelt love, even though the whole thing was arranged.

After the ceremony. the couple headed to the reception.

The atmosphere was filled with joy and excitement as the guests chatted and celebrated the union of the two lovers.

After an exhausting yet beautiful wedding, the couple was finally alone in their honeymoon suite. Mingyu had already prepared for this moment all day, and was ready to make their night perfect

Wonwoo looked around the room, admiring the elegant decor and the romantic atmosphere that Mingyu had set. He was feeling a mix of nerves and excitement, knowing that this was going to be a moment he would remember forever.

As he turned to look at Mingyu, he couldn't help but feel his heart skip a beat. Mingyu was looking at him with a look of pure love and adoration, making Wonwoo feel like the luckiest person in the world.

Mingyu approached Wonwoo, taking his hand in his own and leading him towards the huge bed in the middle of the room. He gently sat him down and then knelt down in front of him, looking up at him adoringly.

Mingyu had made sure everything was perfect for this moment.

The room was lit with soft, warm light, and the air was filled with the scent of roses. There was a small table next to the bed, with a bottle of champagne and two glasses ready to be used

"Do we really need to do it?" as wonwoo nervous because this is his first time.

Mingyu looked up at him with surprise.

"Of course we do. Why would you say that?"

He was confused, why would Wonwoo suggest that they shouldn't do it? He thought their love was undeniable and unstoppable.
Mingyu pulled himself up onto the bed next to Wonwoo, still holding his hand in a gentle grip.

"I love you. You love me. And tonight is our wedding should be perfect, shouldn't it?"
mingyu deep sigh because of younger

"no...not like that.. I'm saying because this is my first time..." wonwoo's hearts beats fast.

Mingyu's expression softened.

"Oh....I see..."

He suddenly felt a burst of care for Wonwoo, realizing that he might be feeling nervous or scared.

"Don't worry."

he said softly, wrapping his arms around Wonwoo

"We can go as slow as you want. I promise to take care of you and make your first time special."

Mingyu leaned in and placed a tender kiss on Wonwoo's lips, his fingers gently tracing the outline of his face.

He could feel the tension in Wonwoo's body, but he remained patient and understanding.

"It's okay to be nervous" he whispered in a soothing voice

"We have all the time in the world. There's no rush."

wonwoo just nodded as responded.

mingyu smiled warmly. Feeling a sense of contentment and fulfillment in his heart. He gently pushed Wonwoo onto his back, laying him down on the bed. As he leaned down towards him, he whispered into his ear.

"You are beautiful, Wonwoo. I love you so much."

He pressed his lips to Wonwoo's neck, trailing soft kisses along the sensitive area. His hands gently explored his body, his touch soft and loving.

Wonwoo felt a shiver run down his spine as Mingyu's kisses sent waves of pleasure through his body. He couldn't remember why he had been so nervous before everything just felt so right and natural with Mingyu.

He wrapped his arms around Mingyu's shoulders, pulling him closer and deepening their kiss.

"I love you too." he whispered, his eyes shining with affection and desire.

Mingyu pulled away slightly, looking down at Wonwoo with a warm smile.

"I'm going to take care of you tonight" he said softly.

"I want to make you feel incredible. I want to show you how much I love you."

He gently pushed the straps of Wonwoo's gown off his shoulders, his touch tender and light.

His eyes devoured the newly revealed skin, his body full of heat and need.

Wonwoo's breath hitched as he felt Mingyu's touch on his skin, a flutter of excitement and desire swirling within him.

His body felt electrified with anticipation, a sense of warmth spreading through him as Mingyu took in the sight of him.

He reached up to caress Mingyu's face, their eyes locked in an intimate moment of connection.

Mingyu leaned down and pressed another kiss against Wonwoo's lips, his tongue sliding into his mouth eagerly. His hands explored the contours of Wonwoo's body, tracing over the lines of his hips and waist.

His touch was a mixture of gentleness and possessiveness, making his intentions clear.

This night was about making Wonwoo his, making sure that he would never look back.

Mingyu gently pulled away, breaking their kiss with a soft gasp. His body was shaking with need as he took in the sight of Wonwoo.

He couldn't believe this incredible person was his, that they were bound together now in this way.

"I don't think I can control myself any longer, my love," he whispered, his voice filled with longing.

Wonwoo smiled up at Mingyu, his heart racing with anticipation. He saw the desire in his eyes, the way he was trembling with need, and he knew he wanted this just as bad.

"Please," he whispered, pulling Mingyu down towards him.

"Take me. Make me yours."

Mingyu's breath caught in his throat as he heard Wonwoo's words, his whole being thrumming with desire. He crushed his mouth to Wonwoo's, devouring him with a fierce and urgent hunger.

He pushed the gown off of Wonwoo's body, their clothes falling to the floor with a quiet rustle. His hands began to trail over Wonwoo's skin, touching every inch.

To be continued....

hi! I remind again. I'm new writer here so if the other words is typo(s)/wrong grammars sorry. I will change it, thankyou!!

- mnwonieq

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