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[the next morning]

Wonwoo woke up to the soft light streaming in through the window, a tender smile on his lips. He stretched out his body, feeling blissfully relaxed, and turned onto his side to find Mingyu still asleep next to him.

He propped himself up on his elbow, taking in the sight of his husband's handsome face and the way the sunlight glinted off his hair. He traced a finger lightly across Mingyu's cheek, feeling a surge of tenderness and affection.

Mingyu's eyes slowly fluttered open, a smile spreading across his face as he saw Wonwoo propped up on his elbow next to him. He reached out and pulled him closer, wrapping his strong arms around him in a tight embrace.

"Good morning, my love." he said softly, his voice groggy with sleep.

"How are you feeling?" mingyu said while worrying.

"It's okay, my hip still hurts a little" wonwoo says before he massaged his hips.

Mingyu's brow furrowed slightly with concern as he heard Wonwoo's words. He gently slid his hand down to his hip, pressing his thumb gently into the sore spot and massaging it softly.

"I'm sorry" he said gently

"I didn't mean to hurt you. Do you want me to draw you a hot bath?"

"yes please.."

Mingyu nodded and smiled, giving Wonwoo a tender kiss on the forehead. He climbed out of bed and made his way to the bathroom, running a hot bath and adding some soothing essential oils to the water.

He returned moments later, his eyes filled with affection.

"It's ready for you, love" he said softly

"Let me help you."

Wonwoo gave him a soft smile, feeling grateful for Mingyu's tender care. He accepted his help, allowing Mingyu to help him up out of bed and into the bathroom.

"Thank you" he whispered, his heart full of love for his husband.

He sank into the warm water, feeling his muscles relax as he immersed himself in the soothing heat.

Mingyu sat on the edge of the bathtub, watching Wonwoo with a gentle gaze. He reached for a washcloth and began to gently bathe him, his touch soft and loving. He washed away the traces of their passionate night and tended to Wonwoo's sore hip with extra care.

Wonwoo closed his eyes, reveling in the sensation of Mingyu's touch. It felt like more than just a bath it was a moment of love and devotion, a physical expression of their bond. He reached up and took Mingyu's other hand, intertwining their fingers and holding it tightly. The morning sunlight streaming in only added to the intimacy of the situation.

[After wonwoo done to wash up]

Once Wonwoo had washed up, Mingyu helped him out of the bathtub and wrapped him in a soft, warm towel. He gently squeezed the excess water from his hair and dried him off, making sure every inch of his skin was taken care of.

"You are so beautiful" he whispered

his eyes filled with love as he took in the sight of Wonu with a towel wrapped around his body.

Wonwoo felt a warm blush form on his cheeks at Mingyu's words, feeling a sense of contentment and joy blossom within him. He leaned into Mingyu's touch, feeling loved and cherished.

He took a moment to appreciate the beauty of the situation the two of them in this intimate space, surrounded by the sounds of the running water and the steam in the air.

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