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He stayed beside the bed for a few moments longer, admiring Wonwoo's peaceful expression before finally standing up and quietly leaving the room. He headed to the bathroom, his thoughts still centered on his husband.

He will make the most of being with wonwoo tonight because for sure his wife will be angry with him the next day and especially when he finds out about the silly things he did when he was drunk.

Mingyu chuckled to himself as he realized the inevitable consequences of Wonwoo being drunk. There was no doubt that his husband would be annoyed in the morning, once he sobered up and remembered the silly things he had done. Mingyu could already picture Wonwoo's grumpy expression and the silent treatment he would probably receive.

"However, it was too late for regrets now." Mingyu relished in the thought of taking advantage of the situation, determined to make the most of their time together. He smirked to himself as he finished up in the bathroom, preparing to return to the bedroom.

Moments later, Mingyu walked back into the bedroom, his footsteps quiet as not to disturb Wonwoo. He crept towards the bed, his eyes fixed on his husband's sleeping form. The possessive feeling inside him flared up again, stronger than ever.

He climbed into the bed next to Wonwoo, being careful not to wake him. As he settled in, he pulled Wonwoo close, wrapping his arms around him in a protective embrace. Mingyu couldn't resist running his fingers through Wonwoo's hair, his touch gentle yet possessive.

"Hmpp.." Mingyu chuckled softly as he heard Wonwoo's sleepy mumble. He continued stroking his hair, his fingers tracing a soothing pattern along his scalp. There was something endearing about his husband being both adorable and cute when he was asleep.

He pulled Wonwoo even closer, his grip on him firm yet tender. He nuzzled his face into Wonwoo's hair, inhaling his familiar scent.

The possessive feeling within him grew stronger, his need to claim his husband growing more intense as he held him close.

Mingyu smiled softly at the sight of Wonwoo sleeping so peacefully and cute in his arms.

He gently adjusted his position, pulling Wonwoo even closer and tucking his head beneath his chin. He draped one possessive arm around Wonwoo's waist, his grip firm and unwavering.

He stayed like that for a while, just taking in the moment. The room was quiet, except for the steady sound of Wonwoo's breathing. Mingyu felt a sense of contentment wash over him, his possessive instincts satisfied as he held his husband in his arms.

"I love you, my baby." Mingyu's voice was soft, the words barely above a whisper in the quiet room. He continued to hold Wonwoo close, his hand gently rubbing the bare skin of his shoulder.

Despite the fact that Wonwoo was asleep, Mingyu couldn't help but express his feelings. There was something special about saying those three words in the privacy of their bedroom, when his husband was completely vulnerable and defenseless against his touch.

[The next morning]

Wonwoo slowly opened his eyes, his vision blurry and his head pounding. The memories of the previous night came flooding back to him, and he groaned as he realized he was hungover. He sat up in bed, his hand instinctively going to his head to rub away the throbbing headache.

" head..." he muttered, his voice hoarse.

He sat for a moment, allowing himself to fully wake up and become aware of his surroundings. The bedroom was quiet, the only sound coming from the soft rustling of the curtains as they stirred in the breeze.

Wonwoo glanced at the empty space beside him, realizing that Mingyu must have woken up before him. He let out another groan, his head still throbbing from the effects the alcohol.

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