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An hour passes, and Mingyu is still waiting for a response from Wonwoo. He's spent the time pacing back and forth in his apartment, obsessively checking his phone every few minutes. The silence is driving him insane, and he's starting to wonder if Wonwoo will ever respond.

Suddenly, just as Mingyu is starting to lose hope, his phone lights up with a notification. His heart skips a beat as he sees Wonwoo's name on the screen. He quickly opens the message with trembling hands.

Mingyu's heart is pounding as he reads Wonwoo's response. It's short and to the point, but there's an underlying tone of hope in the words.

"I'm ready to talk." A rush of relief washes over Mingyu as he reads Wonwoo's message. He quickly types out a response, his words coming out fast and fervent.

"Thank God. I'll come over right now." Without hesitation, Mingyu grabs his keys and hurries out of his apartment. The short walk to Wonwoo's place feels like a lifetime, every step adding to the tension building in his chest. He repeats the same phrase over and over in his mind "Please, let us fix this. Please."

As he reaches Wonwoo's apartment building, Mingyu's heart thumps wildly in his chest. He takes a deep breath and rings the buzzer, waiting anxiously for the door to open. The seconds feel like hours, each one adding to the tension and hope warring inside him.

Finally, the door buzzes open, and Mingyu rushes inside. He takes the stairs two at a time, his footsteps echoing loudly in the empty stairwell. All he can think about is seeing Wonwoo, talking to him, and fixing what's been broken between them.

Reaching Wonwoo's door, Mingyu takes a moment to collect himself. His heart is pounding so hard, he can hear it in his ears. With a deep breath, he knocks on the door, his hand shaking slightly.

Wonwoo hears the knock on the door and immediately knows who it is. He takes a deep breath and walks over to open it, his heart skipping a beat as he sees Mingyu standing there, his expression a mix of hope and trepidation.

Wonwoo steps aside, letting Mingyu enter. The tension between them is palpable, and both of them are aware of the seriousness of the conversation they're about to have.

Once Mingyu steps inside, he turns to look at Wonwoo. For a moment, they just stare at each other, neither knowing where to begin. But finally, Mingyu musters up the courage to speak.

"Wonwoo, I... I... I don't know where to start. But I need to say this. I'm so sorry. For everything. For not listening to you, for not trusting you, for letting my insecurities get the better of me. I was a total jerk, and I know it. I just want us to be okay again." Wonwoo nods, his expression softening a bit as he takes in Mingyu's words. He can see the sincerity in his eyes, the regret and remorse in his voice. It gives him a small glimmer of hope that they can move past this.

"And about mia." Mingyu pauses, his expression becoming more serious as he mentions Mia's name. This is going to be the hard part, and he knows it. He looks at Wonwoo, bracing himself for his reaction.

Wonwoo's face hardens almost imperceptibly as Mingyu mentions Mia. He's still hurt and frustrated about her interference in their relationship, and it shows in his eyes. But he listens attentively, letting Mingyu continue.

"I know she's a touchy subject, and I understand why. She's been causing us a lot of trouble. But I want you to know that I never, ever wanted anything to do with her. I never cheated on you, and I never will. But no matter how much I try to distance myself from her, she just keeps inserting herself into our lives." As Mingyu speaks, Wonwoo's expression softens further. He knows that Mingyu hasn't cheated on him, but the fact that Mia keeps causing trouble is still a massive irritant. He sighs, trying to push down the resentment growing in him.

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